This life of a special needs mom is full of what ifs. Early on with our girlie, the what ifs included “What if she dies?” “What if we can’t care for her?” “What if she ends up in the hospital?” “What if we can’t stop the seizures?” “What if we can’t feed her?” And now…

Remember when I sang that stinkin’ Hillsong United Oceans song about trust without borders, blah, blah, blah? Ugh. I’m telling you right now, think twice before singing these things. God takes this very seriously. My borders were expanded into the deep waters again this week. No, I didn’t get to share the love of Jesus beachside where…

There are a lot of things I’m confident about. I’m confident that my 3-month-old hates sleep. I’m confident that my kitchen will remain a mess until the year 2050. I’m confident that I’ll never ever like sushi. And I’m confident that I will always choose the slowest line when checking out at the grocery store….

How is your faith today? It seems an odd question but I think a fair one to ask, especially since I believe we all have days of stronger and weaker faith in our lives. Maybe try this one, what kind of faith do you have right now, is it Sustaining Faith, or Mustard Seed Faith?…

Posted by Carlos Whittaker | I’ve heard it said that life is sprinting past us. And I used to believe that.  Until one day I stopped to look at a rollie pollie on the ground with my 4-year-old son. He was absolutely mesmerized by this thing. And I was mesmerized by his mesmerization. I remember…

On Monday morning I woke up still feeling exhausted despite eight hours sleep. As many parents of children with special needs will confess, breaks and weekends are not really a time to relax. For those of us with school-age children often Monday morning can’t come soon enough. Before you think me a horrible mom, I…

It’s May, the month we fondly think of motherhood. What images come to your mind when you think of mothers you admire? When I consider Mother’s Day, I’m always filled with admiration for others who execute this important life role right alongside me. I can honestly say that it has been the toughest and most…

The little girl walking on the sidewalk ahead of us clutches her mother’s hand, but continues to turn around and curiously survey my daughter as she sweeps her white cane back and forth with each step she takes. I smile at the little girl and continue the conversation I’m having with my daughter. It used…

Posted by Jon Acuff | Restaurants are one of the greatest places to teach your kids honesty. Amusement parks are good, too. A movie theater will work in a pinch as well. How? What do those three things have in common? Age restrictions. Restaurant menus, amusement parks, and movie theaters are all places that will…

Posted by Parent Cue | Your cute innocent little children have deceived you. They are not who they appear to be! If you haven’t already caught them in a lie, chances are you will. And more than once—as toddlers, as young children, and as teenagers. At first you might want to try to suppress laughter…

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