Posted by Jon Acuff | The funny thing about having big fun with your kids is that it doesn’t take a big moment. The funny thing about having big fun with your kids is that it doesn’t take a big moment…. Click To Tweet Have you ever noticed that? The times you planned something expensive…

Posted by Autumn Ward | I was the mom with the schedule. Feeding schedule. Sleeping schedule. Reading and playtime schedule. I even had a written schedule on my refrigerator that I followed so I wouldn’t forget anything. I’m telling you, I was the schedule queen. (I’m shaking my head laughing just thinking about it.) Why…

We have the awesome privilege of getting away together as a couple to speak around the country on the topic of marriage. We love what we get to do, but even so, as we are surrounded by 500-1500 people, we are not alone! We love that we have various ministries in which we are involved,…

My son, Sam, always best handles instructions or requests of him if he feels he has a good, solid understanding of what’s going on. Not just the nuts and bolts of the situation, but most importantly, the reason for it. If we ask or tell him to do something, one of his first responses is…

Posted by Carey Nieuwhof | It’s no secret that Christmas can be one of the most stressful times of the year. And the tension is that by this point, Christmas Eve, all the ‘how to avoid stress’ tips from the I’ve-got-everything-together-why-don’t-you people seem too little too late: Start your shopping early. (Some of you are…

With December here, we don’t have to wonder what our kids are thinking about. They’re making their lists and checking them many more times than twice. It might be a toy car for a child or a first car for a teenager. From Fisher-Price to Ford, there’s something for everyone at every age during this…

This year, I cooked Thanksgiving dinner in a wheelchair. Not to raise funds for my favorite disability organization. Not as a show of solidarity with my friends who get around in wheelchairs. Not in memory of my father, who used a wheelchair to get around for 38 years. No, I cooked Thanksgiving dinner in a…

Her hand tightened the grip and playfully shook the hand of her son, who held onto her with one hand while the other flapped briefly a little mid-air. He rocked back and forth from one leg to the other while looking anywhere but right at us. Tears welled up in her eyes as a flood of…

A very full day and evening with Joey ended with a nice ride home and a very cooperative time getting him changed and into bed. He flopped into bed like one of his Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls! And so did I! I couldn’t have “done” that day alone. I had helpers. And as I…

Looking for a unique way to share the love of Christ with others this holiday season? Consider picking up “The Blessing Nisser”bu local author Kirstie Marx. The Blessing Nisser Check out this article from WRAL about Kirstie and her book: Shifting the focus for kids to giving this Christmas.

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