Posted by Jon Acuff | Blog, Widen The Circle | 6 | I like to think I am a brave parent, right up until the moment I actually have to be brave. I talk a good game, know most of the buzz words and occasionally act like I have a few things figured out. All…

Posted by Reggie Joiner | Some kids can’t be forgiven. That’s an awful thought. I’m not suggesting a child can do something so bad they can never be forgiven. It’s just that some kids grow up in a relational context so dysfunctional they never experience the power of authentic reconciliation. I recently had the opportunity…

There are days I don’t know what to pray. This whole thing is so much bigger, scarier, than I ever could have imagined. I don’t even know which way I want it go. This is bigger than me. I’ve always had a pretty good handle on medical terms. And special needs was something we finally…

With the new school year picking up speed, it’s easy for me to forget the lessons hard learned over the summer. My gracious Father has been very committed to teaching me about living in true peace, and I want to be intentional about wrestling with the moments that send peace running to the hills. Many…

The week after my child was diagnosed with autism, I held it together for a few days and then sobbed uncontrollably while speaking to my friend/psychologist over the phone. I stood in the bathroom where I went to talk alone and gazed at my swollen eyes and red face in the mirror. I was in…

By Gina McClain I grew up watching The Brady Bunch. As part of our after-school television line up, Brady Bunch reruns were a favorite past time for me. From Marsha’s broken nose, to the infamous broken vase incident. . .I loved the Brady family. There was a simplicity to life portrayed among the Brady’s. Raising…

Posted by Carey Nieuwhof | Earlier this week we said that one way to see where your children are heading in life is to look at their friends and the people who influence them. Your closest friends are a preview of the future you. Now, I totally understand that will cause some of us to…

Posted by Terry Scalzitti One of my favorite movie scenes comes from Braveheart. William Wallace, played by Mel Gibson, is standing with a small army of Scottish warriors staring in the face of a charging English Cavalry. Do you remember the scene? As the horses are charging straight at Wallace and his band of brothers,…

Posted by Brooklyn Lindsey | Parents don’t usually post pictures of their kids on the second day of school. That made me consider taking another set of pictures this year, one at about 6:30 PM every evening on that first week to show a side of our family that we may not be particularly excited…

I have a secret to share with you. Sometimes, I don’t always know how I feel about my son’s autism. It seems there is a vast divide between two extremes of perspectives from parents of kids with disabilities. On the one side, there are parents who view the disability as something that makes an otherwise…

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