Creativity is a hot topic these days, but the idea is sometimes misunderstood. Here are two myths that could actually squelch creativity if believed. Myth #1 – You are born creative or you’re not. Creativity is not a gene that’s passed on like red hair. It can be developed. We are all born natural problem…

“I can’t do this.” I said it myself over and over while the shower water rained down over me. “Please God, I just can’t do this.” When I finally shut up long enough to listen to God speak the first thing that came into my head was, But I can. Months of lack of sleep,…

When he was little, and the diagnosis was still new, our neurologist commended us for being ahead of the curve in seeking Noah’s Asperger’s Diagnosis. I remember being struck by the strangeness of that statement, that there was a “curve” relative to diagnoses. As if waiting for anything, when he was flapping, and refusing to…

Posted by Carey Nieuwhof | So what do you do when your pre-teen or teen doesn’t want to hang out with you as a parent anymore? That can be a hard question to answer. In fact, while there’s a mountain of advice for parents of infants, often parents of pre-teens and teens can end up…

Posted by Carey Nieuwhof | So you probably think you would be a much better parent if you had more hours in the day, don’t you? Bummer that life doesn’t work that way. When you have another child, it’s not like someone shows up and magically hands you another 4 hours a day. Nope, now…

Posted by Melissa Thorson | There are a few things I could learn from my husband: Curbs are not meant for driving over. Listening to science podcasts is more educational than watching Real Housewives of Orange County. Speak less, and once you do choose to speak up, people listen. Quality over efficiency is more important…

Our family moved in January. Since the day we left the community we called home for 25 years, I’ve struggled to regain my equilibrium. I’ve finally pinpointed the malady causing this lack of balance and affectionately named it … Too Much New. Some of the new is time-consuming: New address notifications, new routes to new…

I always have to laugh at my duplicitous emotions. I crave the days when we don’t have to be up early, be pushed by the demands of each class test or assignment, and hit the hay early to assure adequate sleep. Yet, I feel my pulse rate increase as I contemplate summer vacation. The lack…

Posted by Parent Cue | Time. It’s moving fast. It’s limited. We will never have more of it than we already have. So the issue is not how do we get more, but how do we become more intentional about what we have? How can we manage our time strategically to parent beyond our capacity?…

Posted by Brooklyn Lindsey | Ninety percent of parenting is mental, the other half is physical. In other words, it takes all of you and a little more. Parenting is no joke and lends itself to forming humans who can eventually wake up on their own, bathe themselves, sort out tasks for the day, and…

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