In the decade that I have been parenting my son, his educational and care teams have been excellent. It has always been hard work to coordinate Liam’s services and ensure that everything is as it should be, but I have had utter confidence in each team member. This year has been a bit different. Liam has…

“Help, I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!” I used to roll my eyes every time that commercial came on the television. My friends and I made it into a joke, working the reference into our conversations. Then last Thursday afternoon occurred. I am recovering from extensive surgery on both my feet. I’ve spent the…

It’s 4:54 AM and I can hear crying on the monitor. I stumble out of bed half asleep, yet used to this routine. I race down the steps and reach my son’s room. First, I take in the statistics on his monitors and then silence the alarms. The beeping alone can make my blood pressure…

I’ve never been one for New Year’s resolutions. Maybe it’s my tendency toward distractability or lack of stick-with-itness, but I’ve only ever followed through with one resolution. So this post isn’t about the shoulds and musts and resolves you need. Let’s all breathe a sigh of relief together, shall we? No, this post is about…

Posted by Carey Nieuwhof There’s an insecurity inside most of us that asks, “But, does he/she really love me?” It happens when you’re dating. Sometimes it still haunts you when you’re married. It follows you into your deep friendships. And it definitely makes its way into the heart of almost every child. I have NO…

Thirteen years ago, I couldn’t have known all that motherhood held in store. I knew I wanted to be a mom and have a handful of kids. 3-4 would be good. God saw fit to bless our family with three wonderful boys. Benjamin came first. He was going to be William until the day he…

I get it. When you stop for a moment and say, “Take care of yourself, OK?” you’re telling me you care. And I’m so glad you stopped instead of walking by. But can I let you in on something? I’m trying to take care of myself, really I am. On days where my son’s health…

It was a bitter cold winter. The viral rage was throwing pots of boiling water out the door so kids could watch it freeze mid-air. I was beginning to feel like we were back to our homeschooling years. Administrators had closed school so often. Even if you don’t live in the frigid North like I…

On New Year’s Eve, I sat cross-legged on my bed, staring at a blinking cursor and a blank screen. This is a kind of torture particular to writers, and I know it well. Grace ambled in with a book after lunch. It was a book we’d given her for Christmas, Infomaniac: Become an Expert in an…

I don’t know about you, but I have always found as a special needs parent, that all of the typical comments that come with a new year ring really hollow…all the wishes that are definitely well-meant, like… “May this be your best year ever…” “May this year bring good health and healing to you and…

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