Too Busy? Show your cell phone and ask family members to name the many different uses for this small device. Sometimes when I text someone, I get a response right away. It’s great that technology allows for such quick communication, but there are times when I don’t get a response for several hours or…

They Started It! Remind your family of the story of Adam and Eve from Genesis 3:1-6, 22-23. Adam and Eve chose their own way instead of God’s way. God wanted to be close to them, but their sins separated them from God. Even though they sinned, God still loved them and promised to send…

Attitude Check Paul’s reminder to the Colossians to work with all their heart for the Lord is a reminder for us too (Colossians 3:23). However, working for the approval of man is a much more popular view in today’s culture. Emphasize to your family that working with a right attitude is the goal the Lord…

A New Baby! Bring out the baby pictures and birth certificates and talk about the day each child was born into your family. (Kids never seem to tire of hearing about themselves.) Look at the pictures together and talk about how happy you were. If your kids were adopted, talk about the happy day…

Know the Way Make a matching game with simple truths about God’s way of salvation from sin. Get out the crayons and 16 post-it notes. Give each child two post-it notes and assign them an item to draw on the sticky side of both notes (the item is in italics in the statements below)….

Prayer, Care, Share Do three things to help people know about Jesus. Think of people you know who are not yet believers in Jesus. Write each of the words, Prayer, Care, and Share on a separate index card or piece of paper. Using each of the cards, brainstorm ways you can help others to…

Pass It On Memorize John 17:3 with your family. This verse holds the secret to the power to do what God has asked. What did Jesus pray? (That people would know God (the only true God) and His Son, Jesus) Review the verse with a game. Gather everyone in a circle and pass around…

Power to Go! Run a relay to introduce the idea of Paul and Barnabas being sent out to share the gospel. Send everybody to gather three items they would bring if they were going on a trip. Put these on a table. Place an opened suitcase on the floor on the other side of…

(This is an excerpt from the Phase Guides by Kristen Ivy and Reggie Joiner) Parenting is hard. Just when you think you understand your child, everything changes. And then you have to get re-acquainted and figure out a new way to parent. It might be helpful to know that every kid at every phase is asking a…

Guess What? Play 20 questions to guess something that is helpful. Place a Bible inside a bag or box so kids can’t see it. Hold up the bag and invite kids to ask 20 questions (that can be answered with a yes or no) to see if they can guess what is in the…