Chasing Wisdom Run a race with balloons. Make a starting point and a finish line (about 15 feet apart). Give each person a balloon and line up everyone on the finish line. At the signal to go, each one must blow air into his balloon and then let it go. Wherever it lands is where…

What Is Wisdom? This week we started studying the book of Proverbs. Wisdom is a main theme of the book and something we all could use a little more of. Do a wisdom search. Write each letter of the word “wisdom” on an index card or piece of paper—you may even want to make a…

  Something Better Collect some items from the recycling bin (cereal boxes, paper towel rolls, ribbon, bottles, construction paper, etc.), some glue, and scissors. Make something “new” from the salvaged items. Read James 1:3-4. What comes from trials (troubles)? (Patience) What is the end result? (It will make you mature and complete, stronger, etc.)  …

  I Need Help! Ask your kids to complete a job that is too hard for them. (Give them a hard puzzle to complete. Ask them to stack ten blocks without them falling down. Give them a hard math problem to complete. Activity will depend on the age and skill of each child.) As they…

  Remember… It’s not easy to know what to say when someone dies, but it can be very comforting to talk about the one who died. Show an item that belonged to the loved one or an item that was a gift from the loved one. Tell why the item is special. Ask each family…

November 7, 2018 | Amy Fenton |  The Saga If you have any contact with a kid over age 8, I’m sure you have heard of Fortnite. If not, simply say that word around a kid and you will get a reaction. Especially boys. It is the latest and greatest in the App Store, Xbox,…

October 29, 2018 | Matt McKee | The next time you go to plug in one of your electronics or one of your kids’ electronics, look at the plug. Have you ever wondered why an electrical plug has 3 prongs? And what are those 3 prongs are for? Is it important to have all 3?…

  Trapped Show the kids a mouse trap. (If you have creative kids, ask one of them to think of a story about a mouse and the trap.) A mouse is a pesky little creature that eats through packages of our food and leaves nasty droppings—ewwwww! Why do we set a mouse trap? (If you…

  Who Can Cure It? Brainstorm situations with your kids about needs and cures. Some scenarios are listed below to get you thinking: You are very sick and need special medicine. Who do you need…a doctor or an artist? You are ready to go to school but the car is not running. Who do you…

  Short of the Mark Go outside and compete to see who can jump the longest. Mark a starting point and measure 29 feet and 4 ½ inches from it (the current distance of world’s record). Take turns running and jumping to see how far the kids can jump. Allow them to stand in the…

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