True or False? Read the following statements and ask the kids to say if they believe if it is true or false. The biggest bird in the world is the ostrich (up to 9 ft. tall). Honeybees have hair on their eyes. A cheetah can reach a top speed approaching 70 mph. The average…

Worship as You Go This week’s Psalms (121, 122, 127, 130) were called “songs of ascent” and were sung as the people traveled to Jerusalem to worship God. As you ride in the car, put in a praise CD, crank it up, and sing along. If you are at home, go to this link and…

Posted by Sarah Anderson Last week, my oldest child started kindergarten. I’ve never had my whole life flash before my eyes, but that morning, when we pulled up to the school for the first time, his whole life flashed before my eyes. His baby fuzz and wrist rolls suddenly gave way to little boy knobs and angles. Just…

Guess How Long It Lasts Play a simple game of hangman for them to guess how long God’s love lasts. Make seven blank lines (for the word, forever) and invite students to guess the letters before you draw a person. Read Psalm 118:1-4. Depending on the translation you read, you will see that God’s…

Singing the Blues This week’s Psalm (psalm means song) is the number 44. If you had to describe the kind of song, it would definitely be a song of blues. The writer wrote/sang about their sadness and trouble. But why? Life can be like a puzzle. It seems hard to figure out all the…

Give Thanks…Even for Trouble Make popcorn the old-fashioned way and talk about how hard times can bring something good. Pour the oil in and get it hot; then pour in the popcorn and listen for the pops. Talk about how hard the kernels are before you popped them. What do you have to do…

Walk With the Wise and Become Wiser Talk with your child about making wise choices in friends. Read Psalm 1:1. What does this verse tell us about who we hang with? We will be blessed if we don’t choose friends who do wrong things. No one is perfect, but we want to choose friends…

What Goes Together? While riding in the car, play the game of things that go together. One person will say an item and the others will try to think of something that goes with it. For example, the item might be hot dog; what goes with it? (This is very subjective—someone may think that…

My Story Paul shared his testimony—his story of God’s work in his life (2 Corinthians 6:3-11). He told the story of how he came to know and serve Jesus whenever he had the chance (Acts 22:6-21). What is a testimony? According to the dictionary, a testimony is evidence or proof of a claim. Paul…

Southeast Raleigh Handout- 2018