*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on Recode. It’s finally happening: Next year, people around the world will spend more time online than they do watching TV, according to new data from measurement company Zenith. In 2019, people are expected to spend an average of 170.6 minutes each day on online activities…

I Am _________ While you are driving in the car, guess the identity of famous people. Announce a category of famous people that your kids would know (historical figures/presidents, TV personalities, cartoon characters, singers, etc) and invite one person at a time to pick a person (but not tell anyone). The others will ask…

The Treasure Fill a plastic container with sand/uncooked rice/uncooked beans, etc. and hide coins (or little toys) inside the container. (It would ideal for each child to have his own container, but you can use one container and add coins/toys after each child finds the treasure.) Adapt this to fit what you have available….

I Changed My Mind Tell your child that you will do something together after dinner (watch a movie; play a game; take a walk; etc). After dinner, when they ask you to do the activity, say, “I changed my mind. I don’t want to.” Ask: How did you feel when I said that I…

King (or Queen) for a Day Make homemade crowns from poster board (or ask for some from Burger King) and decorate them with fake jewels, stickers, feathers, glitter, or any suitable items. While you’re decorating, ask: What is a king? (The person in charge of a country.) What makes a good king? (He makes…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on PsychCentral. A new study suggests that parents should be mindful of how much time their children are spending in extracurricular activities, such as music lessons and sports clubs. The findings, published in the journal Sport, Education and Society, unveil the pressing social demand for kids…

Beauty of God’s Holiness Ask everyone to go outside and bring back one rock. Lay them on the table. Then place a diamond or fine gem (a diamond ring or beautiful piece of jewelry will work) on the table. Ask, Is there one item that seems different than the rest? (The diamond, of course.)…

Actions Show Who You Are Write some actions on slips of paper and act them out (without using words). Some ideas to get you started: Pretend that you are: Walking through a giant tub of Cool Whip Riding your favorite ride at an amusement park Washing the dog Eating an ice cream cone Laughing…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on PsychCentral. New research links curiosity in young children with later academic success. The new study from researchers at the University of Michigan found that curious children are better able to grasp basic math and reading. Researchers also found that for children…

That’s Not Fair Play a game of kickball to see the need for an impartial judge. (If it’s too cold outside, play a game of balloon volleyball—play as usual but with a balloon.) Divide the kids into two teams. Set up the bases and home plate. Flip a coin to see who goes first. Tell…