What I Really Need  While you are riding in the car, review the simple truth that we need Jesus to get to Heaven by filling in the blank, What I really need is __________. The first person will think of a situation where someone needs help and the other will guess what is needed. For…

Stand on the TruthPaul told the Galatians to stand firm in the truth about the way to be right with God. They could never be right with God by keeping a bunch of rules. They could never be good enough to be saved. He wanted them to KNOW and STAND FIRM in the truth that…

My husband and I both work full time in ministry. We are the proud parents of two teenagers. Often, as a family, we are pulled in different directions. Sports, jobs, theatre practice, music lessons, church events, and so on. We get caught up in all we have to do; all of the people that need…

Follow Me  Walk through the house and say to each person, “Come with me” (not telling them where you are going or what you are going to do). If they follow you, take them out for a treat (or play a fun game or do an activity they will enjoy). Ask: Are you glad you…

Splink 1: Too Many  If weather permits, go outside and tell the kids that you are going to give them commands of things to do. They are to listen carefully and do whatever you tell them. Give a command, but just as the kids start doing it, change your command. For example: say, ‘Run to…

  We do not lack information on “how-to parent.” People often joke that our children don’t come with manuals, but the truth is, we have so much information at our fingertips that we can easily become overwhelmed by all of the (often contradicting) expert opinions out there.   I, however, am a sucker for almost…

Splink 1:BIG Challenge Make a sling similar to the one David might have used (with a strip of leather or cloth). Let kids try throwing a stone using the sling. To read more about and see a picture of a sling similar to the one David might have used, visit this website. Ancient hand slings…

Is it my age? My experience? Is it good old common sense? Or, is some combination of all three? I haven’t yet figured out where its coming from, but “it” is the way that I’m teetering very close to telling parents to buck the trend and love your kids by keeping the smartphone out of…

Splink 1:Make a promise to your kids, but make them wait for the fulfillment of it. (Tell them today and “fulfill” the promise on Saturday.) Ideas for promises: I will take you to get a toy from Dollar Tree. I will take you to get ice cream. I will allow you to stay up late…

Splink 1:  The Best Gift Don’t let the Christmas fun end! Purchase a small gift. (You may want to put a bag of treats that can be shared or a gift card to a favorite donut shop in the last box so everyone can share in the gift.) Collect several gift boxes (larger than the…

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