If you haven’t read THE TALK – Part 1, I would recommend you check it out before reading further. The Talk – Part 1   Recently, I had THE TALK with my third-grade daughter.   Do you guys remember the TV show Blossom? It aired in the 90’s on NBC and dealt with issues…

Splink 1:  Different, but United Give your kids choices at dinner to teach about unity. Give a couple of choices for each “course” (appetizer, main course, vegetables, drink, and dessert) and invite each family member to pick what they would like. (Expect lots of different opinions!) If you don’t want to do this for a…

  Part 1 – THE TALK You know which talk I’m talking about. THE “TALK” talk. THE TALK that no parent looks forward to, but all parents know is critical. THE TALK that reduces most of us to our middle-school-selves, all tongue-tied, darty-eyed, and fidgety. THE TALK parents desperately want to do well, but THE TALK…

  Fifth graders are weird. Okay, maybe that’s too strong. But you have to admit they can seem a little hard to understand at times. They act like they love you one minute, but ignore you the next. They play with childhood toys, and also beg you for a cell phone. They crave your affirmation,…

Splink 1:  No One’s Looking What is integrity? (Doing the right and honest thing even when no one is looking.) Discuss the following situations and ask, “What is the right thing to do?” – Your mom made some cookies for dessert, but told you not to eat any before dinner. You are hungry. What is…

Splink 1:  Know Truth…Live Truth Job was a man of integrity. He believed the truth about God and then he stayed true to his beliefs. When trouble came, he didn’t sin or curse God. He held to the truth that he knew about God. He did what was right. He worshipped God even when he…

Splink 1:  What’s Inside? Invite your kids to look in the pantry and choose the vegetables and/or fruit to eat for dinner. Why did you choose those? (Because I like them; they taste good; etc.) Would you be disappointed if you choose one and there was something completely different inside? We would all be disappointed…

Splink 1:  Who Are You? Guess different items’ identities to talk about integrity. Write each of the following items (any items would do) on a piece of paper or index card. (Items: washing machine, pencil sharpener, blender, lawn mower, coat, cell phone, etc.) Invite someone to pick a card (not letting anyone see what is…

  Welcome to the wonderful year of second grade! You’re in the phase that is the very essence of childhood. I’ve been working with children for over forty years now, and I’ve been a parent for more than thirty. In my experience, this is the age that brings a smile to my heart more than…

We often think of generosity in terms of financial giving, which makes it difficult for children to participate and experience the blessing of meeting others’ needs. What if we broaden our definition of what it looks like to be generous? Instead of only looking at ways to raise money for a cause or give from…

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