Posted by Carey Nieuwhof There’s an insecurity inside most of us that asks, “But, does he/she really love me?” It happens when you’re dating. Sometimes it still haunts you when you’re married. It follows you into your deep friendships. And it definitely makes its way into the heart of almost every child. I have NO…

Splink 1: Same/Different Do a simple (fun) experiment several times and see if you get the same results. (If you have several kids this works out well.) Items Needed: Cup or glass; liquid dishwashing detergent; 2 tablespoons of baking soda; vinegar; red food coloring (optional); baking pan (or do this in the sink)…

Albert Einstein once said, “I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.” It’s well known that Einstein was never one for the classroom. While he excelled in many of his studies, school left him frustrated. He eventually dropped out of school when he was fifteen. His personal value of school aside,…

Splink 1: Shadow of the Real Thing Items Needed: Chalk in several colors; sidewalk or driveway; early morning or late afternoon sun Make shadow drawings with your kids. Head outside to a sunny smooth spot. Help your kids find their shadow. (Move arms and legs to see the shadow shape change.) As each…

“What is going on? Why is he having a meltdown when we tell him it’s bedtime? He’s nine!” My husband and I slumped into seats across from each other at the kitchen table. The sticky, crumb-laden tabletop scattered with homework papers and other backpack entrails didn’t help the situation. Tired of dreading bedtime and…

Splink 1: Real or Fake? God’s people, the Israelites, worshipped idols. Idolatry is the worship of false (fake) gods instead of the one true God. To illustrate the idea of “fake” and “real” give your child “fake” money for their allowance. (Cut a rectangle out of paper and write “One Dollar” on it for a…

Posted by Reggie Joiner | Jan 13, 2014 | Every year, two professors from a small college in Wisconsin publish a “Mindset” list to remind us that every freshman has a completely different knowledge base than previous generations. Maybe you’ve seen the list. For example, this year, the class of 2017 has. . . never…

Splink 1: Get the Rules Out Grab a couple of small balls and two spoons. Announce to the family that you are going to play a game. Then say, “Start.” (When they don’t do anything, ask, “What’s wrong?”) Tell them it’s time to play the game, so start! If they do come up…

Splink 1: Listen When Jesus appeared to three of His disciples on the Mount of Transfiguration, they were allowed to see His glory. Jesus was not just a man, but He was the Son of God. God spoke to told them that He was pleased with His Son and to listen to Him…

Splink 1: Bombarded Give each family member a piece of paper and have them write a thought/lie on it that they’ve heard or something that comes into their minds about sin. (It’s okay to sin; Sin is not that bad. Stealing a pack of gum is a little thing. Telling a little white lie…