Splink 1: Guess What’s There When you’re riding in the car, play a game called “I’m thinking of something in Heaven.” Give them clues to see if they can guess what you are thinking of. For example, some clues for the word “throne” might be “It’s big, it has lots of rooms, God promised…

  This is the time of year when joy should abound, yet many of us still find ourselves searching for it. Homes are filled with families rushing through the season filling their schedules and shopping carts to overflowing. But, as you already know, these things just don’t produce the joy for which our souls were…

Teaching our kids to say “thank you” is important, but truly instilling a sense of gratitude in them is another matter entirely. Gratitude goes beyond good manners — it’s a mindset and a lifestyle. A recent Wall Street Journal article about raising kids with gratitude acknowledged a growing interest in the area of gratitude in…

“If all your friends jumped off a bridge, would you?” My mom, and most likely every mom ever, used to say this to me when I was young. She wasn’t specifically worried about me jumping off a bridge. That wasn’t a popular thing to do in our town. Instead, she was using an extreme example…

  Splink 1: Let’s Talk Let one of the kids make a phone call to a friend or relative. After talking on the phone, ask: What do you like about talking to Grandma (or the person you called) on the phone? (I like telling her about my day; I feel closer to her when I…

Want a great way to help your kids focus less on themselves see the needs of others this season? Carlos Whittaker shares a great tip to help instill the value of serving, empathy, generosity, and compassion in your kids. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyfXVI1RI7c] Source: The Parent Cue

  Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. I love the food and getting together with family and friends. But I mostly love the spirit of the day. When there are so many things bombarding you and fighting for your attention, when Christmas season is staring you down and the new year is right around…

My family is Korean-American, children of immigrants. We’re what the media would call “devout, evangelical Christians.” We have a son who is disabled, non-verbal with autism and ADHD. Especially living in the middle of hyper-excellent Silicon Valley, we’re well-acquainted with feeling like “an outsider.” This is my America, some of our friends, neighbors, and classmates of my…

Thanksgiving is a great opportunity to connect with your kids while they’re out from school! Here are four simple ways to do so. #1 Involve your kids in the planning and prepping for your Thanksgiving meal.  Let them help with decorations Ask if they would like to help with setting the table Brainstorm the menu together…

For most of us, the concept of honor is inextricably linked with flags and Fourth of July, military salutes and Veteran’s Day. After all, the men and women who put their lives on the line for the sake of our freedom are definitely deserving of recognition for the brave work they do. But at its…

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