Fall is one of my favorite times of the year! The leaves change, the boots and scarves come out of the box, pumpkin aroma fills the house, and it means all of the fun holidays are right around the corner. Here are a few date ideas to take advantage of this season while also making…

  We’re miles apart connected through cell phones, but the smile I feel in her voice sinks into my bones. With me, through moves across the country, career changes, moments when I was feeling sorry for myself, and times I needed to celebrate, Sibyl always had the words that hit the spot. She’s never shied…

Act out the story of the God’s deliverance of the Israelites from the Egyptian army. Assign parts (Narrator; Moses with a rod; Israelites; Egyptian army; two people to be the Red Sea, which will part and then come back together when the army comes through). If you have a smaller family, act it out in…

  We want our kids to understand how best to treat their neighbor, follow God, and trust Him no matter what. We could explain the facts of why they should, have them memorize the verses, or lecture them on what will happen if they don’t.   Or we could tell them a story.   More…

  Review the ten plagues God brought on Egypt. Write each one on a slip of paper and toss them into a bag or hat. Take turns picking a slip and drawing it on a white board (or piece of paper) while the others guess. Water, which turned to blood and killed the fish and…

Carlos Whittaker gives a practical way to invite other adults to speak into the lives of your kids at critical times. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcHgYqzYxtA]   OTHER PARENTING HACKS Date Your Kid’s Desires Change the Wi-Fi Password Source: The Parent Cue

I didn’t want to say it. I’d been down this road so many times, and I knew that it usually stalled at a dead end. But I could feel the words on the tip of my tongue, scrambling to get out of the awkward silence of our greeting. Before my brain could find a decent…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on PsychCentral. Boys who are raised in a warm family environment are more likely to feel secure in romantic relationships in their 80s, according to a new study published in the journal Psychological Science. The findings show that boys who grow up in loving homes tend to…

I’m going to guess you wish you had a little more courage as an adult, and maybe even as a parent. We all do. Fear isn’t just an emotion, it’s also a habit. Same with courage. Courage is a habit, and habits start young. Very young. So how do you raise a courageous child? There’s…

Splink 1: As you are cooking dinner, choose some kitchen items your kids might not recognize (potato masher; grapefruit knife; melon baller; strawberry huller; garlic press; apple corer; etc.) and play a game to see how many they can identify. To add to the mystery, put them under a dishcloth and uncover each item one…

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