*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on Phys.org. Parental divorce is associated with a lower grade point average (GPA) among adolescents, with a stronger association seen in teens with more educated mothers, according to a study published in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Sondre Aasan Nilsen of the Norwegian Research Centre (NORCE)…

Trending Today on Twitter – 3/6/20 1. #FridayThoughts 2. #FridayMotivation 3. Jhené 4. #EmployeeAppreciationDay 5. #FridayVibes 6. Brian Williams 7. #RIPNATEWOODS 8. Captain Hook 9. Jadakiss 10. Zhuri Source: Twitter Trending Today on Google – 3/6/20 1. Coronavirus in Maryland 2. Employee Appreciation Day 3. Nathaniel Woods 4. Warriors 5. Grey’s Anatomy 6. Onward 7….

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on MedicalXpress. A new Michigan State University study found that a good night’s sleep does adolescents good—beyond helping them stay awake in class. Adequate sleep can help teens navigate challenging social situations. The study, which focused on ninth-grade students, found that adequate sleep allowed students to…

Transitions are like riding a Rollercoaster! Most people have had an OPPORTUNITY to ride a rollercoaster, however the EXPERIENCE is VERY different. When you stare up at the towering structure with loops, dips, and drops and then you see the car zoom by with great speed – you see people with their hands up, others…

By Walt Mueller A few weeks ago I raised a growing concern about our children and teens regarding the dangers of hearing loss. I actually contemplated whether youth ministry is at times complicit in undermining the health of our kids when we pump up the volume at our events and gatherings. I sounded (no pun intended) like…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on ScienceDaily. A study published online as an accepted paper in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine found that later school start times were associated with a significant drop in vehicle accidents involving teen drivers. Researchers analyzed motor vehicle accident statistics involving adolescents in Fairfax County,…

Trending Today on Twitter – 2/21/20 1. #BTSComeback2020 2. #FridayFeeling 3. Jimin 4. #FridayThoughts 5. #FridayVibes 6. #FridayMotivation 7. Vmin 8. Taehyung 9. My Time 10. Doug Collins Source: Twitter Trending Today on Google – 2/21/20 1. Ozzy Osbourne Ordinary Man 2. Hunters 3. Quaden 4. Contigo recall 5. Mike Fiers 6. Roberto Gomez Bolanos…

Trending Today on Twitter – 2/14/20 1. Valentine’s Day 2. Hopper 3. #FridayVibes 4. #FridayFeeling 5. #ValentinesWithNobody 6. #powertrip 7. #StrangerThings4 8. Tink 9. Happy VD 10. Happy Love Source: Twitter Trending Today on Google – 2/14/20 1. Valentine’s Day 2. Fantasy Island 3. Valentine’s Day memes 4. South Park 5. Iowa basketball 6. Happy…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on HealthDay. Smartphones, and being on Facebook, Snapchat, TikTok and the like may be taking a big toll on teens’ mental health, a new survey of collected data on the subject shows. Canadian researchers pored over dozens of studies and said the negative effects of social…

  *The following is excerpted from an online article posted on HealthDay. It’s supposed to be the best time in your life, but a new study finds that U.S. high school students have mostly negative feelings throughout their school day. Surveying nearly 22,000 students nationwide, researchers found about 75% expressed boredom, anger, sadness, fear or…

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