Leah Jennings Sometimes, my inner dialogue can be pretty negative, and this is coming from someone who believes wholeheartedly in the power of positive thinking. I can’t seem to help it—it’s so easy to slip into negative thought patterns once they start. Recently, I got so fed up with my thoughts, I started reading a…

Mike Tiemann One of the things I admire the most about kids is the way they live in the moment. They don’t have to be responsible for things like retirement plans . . . coordinating the calendar . . . or figuring out what’s for dinner. Can I be honest and tell you that’s one…

Candice Wynn I was always extremely skinny as a child. Adults would consistently made jokes about my size. They referred to me as a “string bean,” said I was “nothing but skin and bones” and “25 pounds soaking wet.” One windy day, I remember an adult telling me I needed to put rocks in my…

Holly Crawshaw Fall is filled with school starting back, festivals, and holiday traditions. But creating memories takes effort—planning and execution. Here are a few ideas on how to make the most of the fall season with your family. Choose a couple of options that could work for you and your family. Then—and this is important—put…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on MedicalXpress. School kids who get to bed early rather than staring at their devices at night may be better equipped to control their behavior, a new study suggests. Researchers found that 8- to 11-year-olds who got adequate sleep and had limits on “screen time” were…

One of the great misconceptions about worship is that it’s something that only takes place when a group of people gather for a few minutes or so to sing together. While corporate worship is an important part of the Christian life, the kind of worship God calls us and our children to is a 24/7 endeavor that…

Jon Acuff When my daughter was ten, I told her that I would write her a story. I write for a living and I’m constantly reading about other authors who do that. On a whim, they write their kids a story and then voila, Harry Potter! I wasn’t going to write her the story because…

Kristen Ivy Parenting humans can be unpredictable. Every kid is different and there are no formulas. It’s hard to anticipate everything. So in a sense, you should anticipate not anticipating a few things. With my oldest child, I didn’t anticipate that . . . he would learn to remove his diaper like a baby Houdini….

Lauren Terrell “I will never be friends with Will*! He has a funny looking hand, and I will never play with him!” my 4-year-old passionately declared the moment she climbed in the backseat of our car after her first day of pre-k. I froze, eyes wide, mouth open. My eyes flicked to the rear-view mirror…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on HealthDay. Exercise is essential for girls, but problems can occur if they take in too few calories. Young females who eat too little risk menstrual irregularity, weak bones and eating disorders. Among high school girls, only 1% have all three issues, but between 16% and…

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