*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on Barna.com. Acknowledging the influence of moms isn’t just the stuff of Mother’s Day cards; it also became a major finding and theme in a recent Barna study of practicing Christians’ homes in the U.S. The Households of Faith report, produced in partnership with Lutheran Hour…

Check out our latest episode of Parent Hub Live where Tim and Tasha Levert share what it means to connect with your kids. You’ll leave with some very practical steps that you can start today with your kids. Our next one will be May 22. These happen every other Wednesday and they are for all…

When your son asks you in time to come, saying, “What do the testimonies and the statutes and the judgments mean which the Lord our God commanded you?” – Deuteronomy 6:20 Do you ever wonder if your kids are watching and listening as you continue to pour into their lives on every level? Whether you are…

Reggie Joiner “The group consisting of mother, father and child is the main educational agency of mankind.”– Martin Luther King Jr. One of the most sobering truths about parenting is that you are teaching your children something, whether you are being intentional or not. Sure, you may not teach your children everything they need to know about…

There’s no such thing as balance. Honestly. There isn’t. What do we usually mean by balance? What picture pops to mind? The scale, settled on its fulcrum, equal weights on either side. Well, that picture doesn’t work in real life. First, there’s not a day in any human’s life when there are ONLY two things….

Kristen Ivy “Did you know . . ?”“Has anyone ever told you . . ?” I don’t know your story, but if I had to guess you can remember a time when someone said something to you that started something like that. The funny thing is that so often these life-changing phrases are followed by…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on PsychCentral. New research suggests a male child is less apt to have symptoms of depression if they participate in team sports. Furthermore, participation in non-sport activities was found to have no effect on a child’s mood. The association was found only for boys. Washington University…

Guest Post by Tahni Cullen “Pray for others that you may be healed,” (James 5:16). These words wouldn’t leave me alone. I really needed some encouragement––a prayer, a note, anything. From somebody. From an “other.” Six months into my Josiah’s autism diagnosis, I was enticed by waves of despair. I needed someone to listen, to…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on Barna. The new Households of Faith report released by Barna, produced in partnership with Lutheran Hour Ministries and based on an extensive study of practicing Christians and their living arrangements, finds a consistent connection between households that prioritize quality time and households that prioritize faith formation. Generally…

Her voice was a whisper, “What are you doing?” I whispered back, “Not much, what are you doing?” In a guilty voice, she explained she was calling from the garage because she was hiding from her five-year-old twin boys, who had just removed the bedroom door from its hinges while having a ‘quiet time.’ They…

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