Several years ago I embarked on a little journey into the world of advertising to get a better sense of how marketing has shaped body image pressures and expectations for our girls. I began by looking at marketing efforts to women who were a part of my grandmothers’ generation. . . those born at the…

 | Jenna Scott | My kids and I spent a month this summer living with their grandparents. There were cousins to play with, a new puppy, cable and On Demand, and a gorgeous pool out back. Popsicles appeared every 30 minutes and fruit snacks abounded. My children were living the high life and they knew it….

Posted by Jon Acuff Parenting is not easy. The whole thing starts in perhaps the craziest way. You’re at the hospital in a room filled with doctors and nurses and experts. There’s commotion during the delivery but you’re okay because you’ve got so much help in that moment. Then, in what feels like a matter of…

What story will our kids choose to live in? That’s a necessary question every parent and youth worker must ask. If our calling is to lead kids to find their place in God’s story (the biblical narrative and way), we need to help them see the foolish dead-end that results in living according to the…

Posted by Reggie Joiner Most moms and dads are ready to fight the battle for their children’s safety and future as soon as they are born. Parents will buckle them into car seats that fit like plastic straitjackets, construct beds and play zones with prison bars, hook their arms to an expandable leash to walk through the…

Posted by Dan Scott When you look around, do you notice what you need to notice? Have you ever wondered why there are some people who can see things that other people just don’t see? It seems like some people just have this knack for looking around and noticing things others don’t. Maybe they notice there…

FOR PARENTS We know that as a parent it may be hard to understand the changing digital landscape and what your kids are doing online. That’s why we’ve created this resource. We’re here to fill you in on what Instagram is all about, give you some conversation starters for you and your teen, and show…

  [soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] How to listen: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google Play | SoundCloud | TuneIn Host Carlos Whittaker and former Overall Teacher of the Year of Fulton County Schools, Pamela Padak, talk together about how parents and teachers can partner together to strengthen their relationship for the sake…

Posted by Sarah Anderson We lived for a few solid years in our family not having to really watch our words. We could have conversations about dessert, fun places to go, and toys. And our toddlers would be none the wiser. But this past year, we turned a corner. We’ve started spelling. Even then, Asher, my oldest, will…

In the Jewish tradition, when someone is named, it’s believed that the essence of who that person is, is being named and drawn out. It’s why Abram, a name meaning exalted father, is changed to Abraham, meaning a father of a multitude, after God tells him of the descendants he’ll have outnumbering the stars in…

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