Restaurants are one of the greatest places to teach your kids honesty. Amusement parks are good, too. A movie theater will work in a pinch as well. How? What do those three things have in common? Age restrictions. Restaurant menus, amusement parks, and movie theaters are all places that will give you a discount if…

As this year’s graduates said their goodbyes, I watched with a renewed attention. This will be us next May. Celebrating. Dreaming. Planning. So much of what I thought I knew about parenting has unraveled over the past few years. My oldest son is truly the test subject in this experiment we call parenting. We’ve stumbled…

Did you know June 1st is National Doughnut Day? There’s nothing better than celebrating a day that commemorates sprinkled pastry perfection . . . except celebrating it with someone you appreciate! So double dip into the glory of National Doughnut Day by swinging by your favorite doughnut place and grabbing a couple boxes of doughnuts….

  [soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /] How to listen: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google Play | SoundCloud | TuneIn Founder and CEO of The reThink Group, Reggie Joiner, joins host, Kristen Ivy, to talk about why honesty — and parents being a safe place for kids — will shape kids’ future relationships…

Posted by Carlos Whittaker | I’ve heard it said that life is sprinting past us. And I used to believe that.  Until one day I stopped to look at a rollie pollie on the ground with my 4-year-old son. He was absolutely mesmerized by this thing. And I was mesmerized by his mesmerization. I remember…

Summer is here! And we all want to make the most of it! All year long, we’ve been keeping to the rhythm of school schedules, last minute deadlines, and survival-mode routines. And while routine and predictability are important, they can become exhausting and mundane if we’re not careful. That’s why we love summertime! It’s a…

Most of the time when we need to discipline our children, we are confronted with both an incorrect action and an incorrect attitude. Sometimes, however, we encounter a right action with a wrong attitude. For example, suppose you tell your son to apologize to his sister for calling her a name. He says “Sorry!” in a whining, insincere tone of voice. He…

You and your family have made it to the end of another school year. Regardless of your school situation, it feels like an achievement for all of you, doesn’t it? Think of all those early morning wake-ups, those last minute projects, the forms, and the guilt-induced volunteering you’ve accomplished over the last few seasons. It’s…

This morning’s paper had this headline on the front page: “Many turn to Jesus for ‘hope, healing.’ Texas town worships en masse after 10 die at Santa Fe High School.” The article served up another couple of gut punches as I thought about the reality of parents burying children, friends waking up knowing they will…

Hi, My Name is Brandon O’Dell. I am a husband and a father of three young children. I am a writer, an actor, and a Christian. And I suffer from clinical depression. Let me give you some background. I was a happy kid, raised in a Christian home by two loving parents. I did well…

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