Posted by Terry Scalzitti One of my favorite movie scenes comes from Braveheart. William Wallace, played by Mel Gibson, is standing with a small army of Scottish warriors staring in the face of a charging English Cavalry. Do you remember the scene? As the horses are charging straight at Wallace and his band of brothers,…

  Josh Shipp, award-winning teen expert featured on MTV, CNN, and in The New York Times, gives parents strategies you can use today to help understand and parent your teenager well. [soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=0066cc&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] How to listen: iTunes | Google Play | SoundCloud | TuneIn   YOUR CUE Instead of lecturing,…

  “Change” is a powerful word. One that invokes countless reactions depending on who you ask.   Change is also unavoidable. Sometimes it’s within our control, but most often it’s not. Certain changes such as the loss of a loved one, serious illness of a parent, and divorce can be painful, and some of the…

  Dads, let’s be honest – have you ever faced a secret, shameful fear of going home at the end of the day?   A quiet, back of your mind resistance to the drive home from the office?   I’ve been there, and sometimes I’m still there.   But it never used to be that…

Posted by Brooklyn Lindsey | Parents don’t usually post pictures of their kids on the second day of school. That made me consider taking another set of pictures this year, one at about 6:30 PM every evening on that first week to show a side of our family that we may not be particularly excited…

Regardless of how many friends, family members, and perfect strangers try to paint an accurate picture of parenthood, there’s nothing anyone can say that adequately prepares you for that heart-stretching moment you hold your newborn for the first time. And the sentiments only grow exponentially from there. There aren’t words capable of conveying the myriad…

  When it comes to parenting, how are you feeling? Is your family the picture you had in mind? The truth is, we are all holding pictures of what we think a family is supposed to be. Everywhere you go, you are reminded of how ideal families dress and act. For just a moment, take…

  Today’s culture is bringing an unhealthy sexualization to our kids at a younger and younger age. We were 4, 6, 9, 12, and 15 at one point, but we were never their age. They experience so much so young. With the onset of early sexualization in our culture, parents must become more proactive and…

Posted by Reggie Joiner | Hannah is our first-born daughter, and she has a lot of leadership potential. That’s just another way of saying that she challenged the process a lot growing up in our house. I distinctively remember having a conversation with her one night when I was tucking her into bed. It was…

  You’re never prepared for it – for that moment on your weekly (tri-weekly) trip to Target when the water toys and outdoor furniture sets are corralled into the clearance section and replaced by mountains of marbleized composition notebooks and rows of calculators that cost more than my smart phone.   Like Christmas, birthdays, and…

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