Tucker was a few weeks old, and it was my first night back to my part-time job as a writing teacher. I’m pretty sure I was teetering under the weight of everything I carried into my parents’ house: the car seat, the diaper bag, bottles, milk, binkies, blankets, burp cloths, a page of typed…

  Parents are busy these days, and we keep getting busier. Though we want to connect with our kids, our demanding schedules make it hard to know how to be present with them consistently. Kara Powell, director of Fuller Youth Institute, shares how to have quality time and focus on our kids even in the…

  The hardest part of the summer ending is pretending you’re not happy about it as a parent.   Hiding your joy from kids who get mad at even seeing the back to school products in Target is difficult. Does that mean you haven’t enjoyed the extra time with your kids these last few months?…

  We are just a few weeks from school starting again and the pool is still just as enchanting now, as when it opened nearly two months ago. This is the first summer my boys are both confidently swimming and entertaining themselves, and so I am loving this new season of freedom.   This past…

By Walt Mueller When the nexus occurs, it brings great joy. It happened again yesterday. . . and it always leaves me excited.  Yes, God still speaks. I reached the milestone of 61 years on this earth yesterday. (The birthdays seem to come around more quickly these days, and I seriously feel like yesterday was…

Posted by Sarah Anderson | (This is part 3 in our 4 part series, Making The Most Of Your Family’s Daily Rhythm. Click to read part 1, Morning Time, and part 2, Drive Time.) I hit the jackpot when I got married. My husband can cook—not only is he able, he’s good. On our first anniversary, he recreated the…

  I really think we could learn a lot about friendship from our kids, especially when they are young. I’m always amazed at how easily kids can make friends on the playground, at the ball park, or in line at the grocery store. Maybe it’s just easier to strike up play when you’re younger than…

  I once heard a comedian ask the crowd, “How many of you are first-born children?” Those first- born in the crowd cheered and clapped. He then asked, “And how many of you are the baby of the family? The last born?” Again, the last born all rose to their feet and cheered even louder….

Posted by Ted Lowe If you’re married and raising children together, the best thing you can do for your kids is leave . . . for the night . . . and go on a date with your spouse. We all love our kids and want what’s best for them. We sign them up for activities…

  Have you noticed yet that parenting a boy is very different than parenting a girl? Turns out that they’re wired differently, from birth. And one of the ways they are different is in the way they communicate.   From birth, both boys and girls like to grunt and gurgle. The difference is that girls…

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