Toddlers get a bad rap. Sure they whine and throw tantrums. But can you blame them? There’s a lot going on in those pint-sized bodies. By age two, your little one will grow to half their adult height—something they’ll spend the next two decades reaching. And their shape will morph from one designed for…

You may have a toddler right now who won’t leave your side. You know the kind. The kid who’s glued to your leg, velcroed to your arm, who keeps wanting you to read the same story again, and again, and again. It’s driving you nuts some days, isn’t it? Hard to believe, but one day, they’re…

  Family counselors David Thomas and Sissy Goff unpack a few ideas in their latest book Are My Kids On Track about how parents can help their kids reach emotional, social, and spiritual milestones through careful guidance. Addressing the differences between boys and girls, they discuss how parents can help kids develop into resilient and resourceful…

  I recently stumbled across Jason Good’s 46 Reasons My Three-Year-Old Might Be Freaking Out. His socks are on wrong. His lip tastes salty. His shirt has a tag on it. The car seat is weird. . . (Read the rest of the list on Jason’s blog.) The first thing I thought when I read…

Posted by Sherry Surratt | My son and daughter-in-law just had their third child. At the moment, their home is like a three-ring circus of juggling, stunts, and acrobatics. Even now as I watch my daughter-in-law wrestle with diapers, wipes and poop, my son is juggling after-school pickup and entertaining a lively and spirited preschooler….

  When I was a kid, one of my favorite things to do in the whole world was going with my grandpa to peddle watermelons.   Not selling. Peddling. Selling is often fast paced and intense. We peddled. It was slow and laid back.   We drove around town in his little white pickup and…

Have you ever been to a little league game and watched the interaction between dads and their sons? It’s quite fascinating. And a bit entertaining. If you look closely, you’ll notice something far more important than just the game itself. In between the cheers, instruction, and maybe arguments with the umpire, you’ll see a dynamic…

Creativity is a hot topic these days, but the idea is sometimes misunderstood. Here are two myths that could actually squelch creativity if believed. Myth #1 – You are born creative or you’re not. Creativity is not a gene that’s passed on like red hair. It can be developed. We are all born natural problem…

  So what do you do when your pre-teen or teen doesn’t want to hang out with you as a parent anymore? That can be a hard question to answer. In fact, while there’s a mountain of advice for parents of infants, often parents of pre-teens and teens can end up feeling more than isolated….

  Enter a room full of six- and seven-year-olds and you’re bound to spot one thing right away: the cute little gaps of kids who whistle while they talk. Forget calling it first grade. This is the Missing Teeth Club.   And the similarities don’t stop there. Here are five things all first graders have…

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