*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on MedicalXpress. Have you ever received an unexpected kindness? A stranger in the car ahead of you paid your highway toll. Or a kind consumer picked up your tab at Starbucks. These actions can set off a chain reaction of kindness, as you pay that kindness…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on ScienceDaily. Children’s average daily time spent watching television or using a computer or mobile device increased from 53 minutes at age 12 months to more than 150 minutes at 3 years, according to an analysis by researchers at the National Institutes of Health, the University…

Robert Carnes When my wife and I told people that we were going to have a baby, they often asked what I was most looking forward to about being a new parent. My answer? The tax exemptions. I’m only kidding; my wife is a CPA, so that was always her answer. No, I most looked…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on StudyFinds. Young children, specifically around the ages of four or five, can be a handful to say the least. Preschool aged children are full of energy and curiosity, which often leads to bewildered parents placing their kids in front of the TV so they can…

This has been adapted from the Phase Series by Reggie Joiner and Kristen Ivy Parenting is hard. Just when you think you understand your kid, everything changes. And then you have to get re-acquainted with them and figure out a new way to parent. It might be helpful to know that every kid at every phase is…

Leah Jennings My toddler daughter, Arden, is very toddlery these days. And by toddlery, I mean I can’t help but look at the clock and wonder how in the world I’m supposed to make it to bedtime without us both collapsing in a puddle of tears. I’ve always been told the age of three is a…

Preschoolers are Wonderfully MadeDownload

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on PsychCentral. Preschoolers who spend too much time in front of the bedroom TV are at risk of not getting enough physical and social interactions to promote proper physical and socio-emotional development, according to a new study published in the journal Pediatric Research. The findings show…

One of the bottom lines of parenting is not just raising obedient, or even happy kids, but rather raising responsible adults who love God. The way your kids love God has a profound effect on how they see the world and the way they see themselves. It will impact how they view some of the…

I remember my first real cup of coffee. I’d been an occasional office-pot coffee drinker (lots of cream and sugar)—mostly because my office was freezing and the coffee was hot. Then, on a trip to California, a friend handed me a mug of freshly ground, French press, dark roast java with a touch of heavy…

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