column width=”1/1″ last=”true” title=”” title_type=”single” animation=”none” implicit=”true”] This morning I dropped off Nick at his first day of the new school year. Although he is 19 and we’ve done a lot of first days, this one still has some new elements. First, he is starting a new class with a new teacher. His school, which is exclusively…

Last week I sat on the couch next to my older son as we went through the Love Languages Personality Profile for Teens in Jolene Philo and Dr. Gary Chapman’s new book, Sharing Love Abundantly in Special Needs Families: The 5 Love Languages® for Parents Raising Children with Disabilities (referral link). Some of his answers…

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:13-14 (NIV) I was asked recently, “Do you take low functioning kids in your program?” I stopped for a minute and…

column width=”1/1″ last=”true” title=”” title_type=”single” animation=”none” implicit=”true”] The transforming power of kindness began whispering to me when I sat across the table from a classmate at our 45th high school reunion. Not the classmate who led me to apologize for my short career as a mean girl in elementary school, but another one. More acquaintance…

By breakfast there was already a good handful of guilt: sleeping-in means Daddy has to get up with the kids. I open my eyes and see housework jobs I hadn’t finished yesterday. I get downstairs and there are questions about things I’m getting ready for VBS—have I done it well enough, is there something I’ve…

Okay, there is no such thing as a real escape plan. But I do have one in my head, and on challenging days I put it into full steam ahead. I know I would never really carry it out; I’m much too practical, dedicated, and faithful. But I don’t claim to be so practical, dedicated,…

When my daughter was born with a genetic condition and a heart defect, my family was overcome with support. We were met with the typical newborn baby gifts and greetings. Then support went above and beyond the norm. We received numerous meals, cards of encouragement, monetary gifts, and personal visits. Our family felt loved. Her…

This special needs parenting journey can be challenging, lonely, and isolating. I remember begging God to send me a new friend and a supportive community who could be my companions on this painful journey I was traveling. The first supportive communities I found were online, in special needs parenting Facebook groups, and with Key Ministry’s…

My son has a consistent habit of opening up the closet where the cleaning supplies are kept in our home. We know the sound of the old wood door being jostled open, like a staple of the background noise in our home. Many times we just ignore it, but at least once a day my…
Have you ever played poker? Maybe you’ve played recreationally, as I have, perhaps using tokens, matchsticks, or chocolates for the ‘stake?’ Maybe you’re a more serious poker player, with higher level stakes? Or maybe you’ve never played the game at all. This blog post isn’t about the rights or wrongs of playing cards, but whatever your experience…