Splink 1: Tug of War Do a simple tug of war, using a beach towel or rope. Mark a point on the floor or ground with a piece of masking tape. Line up two family members (about the same size) on either end of the rope. Tell them to start pulling when you say go….

  So what do you do when your pre-teen or teen doesn’t want to hang out with you as a parent anymore? That can be a hard question to answer. In fact, while there’s a mountain of advice for parents of infants, often parents of pre-teens and teens can end up feeling more than isolated….

  Trending Today on Twitter – 6/9/17 1. #e3predictions 2. #FridayFeeling 3. #TheMeaningOfLifeIs 4. #Halsey TODAY 5. #FlashbackFriday 6. #OITNB 7. Wrecking the Ship of State 8. Chris Holtmann 9. Corey Lewandowski 10. Total and Complete Vindication Source: Twitter   Trending Today on Google – 6/9/17 1. Pittsburgh Penguins 2. UK Election 3. John McCain…

  Enter a room full of six- and seven-year-olds and you’re bound to spot one thing right away: the cute little gaps of kids who whistle while they talk. Forget calling it first grade. This is the Missing Teeth Club.   And the similarities don’t stop there. Here are five things all first graders have…

“I want to talk about pornography.” That’s what the 15-year-old boy said to me after hearing me talk at his Christian school on “God and Sex.” Sadly, he wasn’t a curious young dabbler looking for someone to help him understand whether pornography was right or wrong. Instead, he was already spending time every day looking at…

  *The following is excerpted from an online article posted on PsychCentral.   Mothers who do not feel in control of their lives and who struggle with their teenage children can benefit significantly from having a social support network. But struggling dads in the same situation don’t seem to reap any benefits from social support, according…

  Courtney DeFeo, author of In This House, We Will Giggle, shares how to teach your kids life-changing virtues by doing anything but lecture them. She encourages parents to instead tap into a kid’s love of play and have some lighthearted family fun. When kids are having fun, they don’t even have to know they…

  *The following is excerpted from an online article posted on MedicalXpress.   The world’s first long-term assessment of mental health effects from adolescents’ late-night mobile use has shown some concerning results.   Research conducted by Murdoch and Griffith Universities in Australia tracked changes in late-night mobile phone use, sleep, and mental health indicators over…

  Several years ago, our team was asked to design a program to help public schools teach kids character. One of the tools we provided was a “Value-able” card to award a child with free ice cream when they did something that demonstrated respect, responsibility, or kindness. We gave out enough cards so teachers could catch…

  *The following is excerpted from an online article posted on HealthDay.   Newly minted teen drivers in the United States have almost triple the risk of being involved in a deadly crash than adults, a new study finds.   The study looked at national data, and also found that drivers aged 16 to 17…

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