Splink 1: Who Says? Using a tape measure, ask your kids to measure certain items around the room (TV, shoe, refrigerator, book, dog, etc.). After measuring and announcing the length of several items, ask: What might happen if each of you had a tape measure that had different lengths for an inch? Would you get…

  Trending Today on Twitter – 6/2/17 1. #EndAlzheimers 2. #NationalDoughnutDay 3. #5HonGMA 4. #HillaryMemoirTitles 5. #MyChildhoodIn5Words 6. #JobsReport 7. How to Raise a Feminist Son 8. 4.3% in May 9. Lou Gehrig 10. Mladenovic Source: Twitter   Trending Today on Google – 6/2/17 1. Covfefe Trump 2. Gilbert Baker 3. NBA Finals Schedule 2017…

  Time.   It’s moving fast.   It’s limited.   We will never have more of it than we already have.   So the issue is not how do we get more, but how do we become more intentional about what we have?   How can we manage our time strategically to parent beyond our…

  *The following is excerpted from an online article posted on The Washington Post.   A large new study out this week contains some alarming data about the state of children’s mental health in the United States, finding that depression in many children appears to start as early as age 11. By the time they hit age 17,…

  My husband and I just got back from taking our girls to Hilton Head, South Carolina for a long weekend. There were bike-riding adventures, hot dogs on the beach, and early bedtimes (thank you, swimming, for exhausting my children like no other activity) – a great time was had by all.   However.  …

Today, as we were listening to the sermon at church, my 6-year-old son heard the speaker say the word “sin.” I whispered in his ear and asked him if he knew what sin was. Now we’ve had many discussions about the basics of the gospel, including sin, but I wanted to hear his thoughts on…

    Splink 1: Make playdough to create images. A good recipe is: 1 cup all-purpose flour 2 Tbsp. cream of tartar ½ cup salt 1 to 2 Tbsp. cooking oil 1 cup water Food coloring (optional—appearance only) Mix flour, cream of tartar, and salt in a saucepan. Mix coloring with water and oil, then…

Trending Today on Twitter – 5/26/17 1. #PiratesLife 2. #FridayFeeling 3. #IWakeUpBecause 4. Denis Johnson 5. Bryson Tiller 6. #MemorialDayWeekend 7. Coptic Christians 8. #CarbDay 9. #MileyTODAY 10. Bernardo Silva Source: Twitter Trending Today on Google – 5/26/17 1. Bryson Tiller 2. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales 3. Chivas vs Tigres…

It was all quite telling. It would be an understatement to say that our nation was anxious as last November’s Presidential election arrived. Social media, water-cooler, and family dinner table conversations were all windows into the anxiety and nervousness we all felt as we faced the inevitability of wandering as a nation into uncharted cultural…

  *The following is excerpted from an online article posted on PsychCentral.   Emerging research suggests that even in low amounts, interruptions to parent-child time caused by digital technology are associated with child behavior problems.   The study was a snapshot review of the connection between parents’ technology use and child behavior. As such, a…

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