I’m learning that friendship, as a parent, is even more life-giving (life-saving?) now than ever before. And this says a lot coming from a friendship-nostalgia-freak who has a file box of every single note I received in middle and high school organized by name of the sender. (If anyone under 25 is reading this, a…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on USA Today. Police departments and safety agencies are warning players of Pokémon Go to stay safe and alert as hysteria over the popular mobile game swells. The game, which launched last week for iPhones and Android devices, is based on the classic cartoon and video game…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on MedlinePlus. Concussion rates are rising sharply among U.S. kids and teens, researchers report. The study, which looked at health insurance claims for almost 9 million Americans, found that concussion diagnoses more than doubled between 2007 and 2014. The big question is whether the increase reflects…

Remember when you used to have fun? I know, it seems like it’s been a while. Maybe a long while. Sometimes parenting can seem like a burden. Even reading about parenting can make you feel like you need to button down and master 5 more parenting skills—which, sometimes you need to do. But in the…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on USA Today. As e-cigarette use among teens rapidly increases, a national health report suggests adolescents who would not have otherwise used tobacco products are now turning to electronic smoking devices. The report, released by the American Academy of Pediatrics, is based on a study that found overall smoking prevalence…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on eMarketer. Earlier in the smartphone era, parents were often reluctant to furnish a teen with an expensive device whose imprudent usage easily could get the kid into trouble. Little surprise, then, that many teens lacked a smartphone even as it became standard equipment for nonelderly…

The best thing someone told me as a new mom, was this: “Your baby can pick up on the emotional temperature of the house.” In other words, babies are way more astute than you think. This little nugget of truth explained a lot. Like, why my babies were more fussy around my anxious self and…

Splink 1: As Sure as the Stars Stay up late, go outside, put a blanket on the ground, look up, and count the stars. God made a promise to Abraham that his descendents (children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren, etc.) would be as many as the stars in the sky (Genesis 15:5). How many stars can…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on ScienceBlog. A new study authored by University of Calgary researchers in the Journal of Adolescence examines the pornography viewing habits of adolescents and observes the way in which religious attendance significantly tempers such actions. The study, conducted between 2003 and 2008, which surveys adolescents on their…

My son attended a small, private high school. It was a wonderful school, that had a rule for everything, and many of their favorite rules had to do with uniforms. Students were required to wear their uniforms, and nothing but their uniforms, whenever they were on campus. As parents, we liked the uniform rule because…

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