If you were asked to share with a group of parents things you’re glad you did as you were raising your kids, what would you say? My husband and I were given this opportunity recently at our church. Over the next five posts, I want to share with you the five choices we’re glad…

In a perfect world, I would be patiently doing many hours of therapy each day with my son and in a perfect world, he would be meeting milestone after milestone. Then there’s reality. Calvin is one of five kids who need me, he is not “catching up” developmentally, and some days it’s all I can do to…

  *The following is excerpted from an online article from Beloit College. We have had the NOW generation…get ready for the RIGHT NOW generation, entering college this fall. This fall’s entering college students, the class of 2020, were born in 1998 and cannot remember a time when they had to wait for anything. They also…

  *The following is excerpted from an online article posted on U.S. News & World Report. Cyberbullying among teens is highly likely to involve current or former friends and dating partners, a new study finds. Researchers analyzed data from a 2011 survey of nearly 800 students in grades 8 through 12 at a public school…

What does it mean to have faith on this parenting journey?  September will mark 16 years since autism came into our lives. J was 22 months old. In the very early days, faith meant trusting God for healing. People prayed and encouraged and gave us timelines for God’s miracle.  “By 6 he will be healed!”…

  Splink 1: Go and Find Play Sardines, a variation of Hide and Seek. Choose one person to hide while everyone else closes their eyes and counts to 25. When the counting is completed, each person searches for the hider. When someone finds the hider, he or she doesn’t say anything but quietly crawls into…

  Trending Today on Twitter – 8/19/16 1. #WorldPhotoDay 2. #5YearsOfWMYB 3. #MySquadCallsMe 4. #5WordPrenup 5. #FridayReads 6. Newark 7. Colin Powell 8. Jimmy Feigen 9. Happy 70th 10. Indiana University Source: Twitter Trending Searches Today on Google – 8/19/16 1. Frank Ocean 2. Darren Sharper 3. Donald Trump Statute 4. Caster Semenya 5. War…

“Mom, sometimes, when I look at Nichole she is so cute that I feel like crying because my heart is so full of love.” There are times I look at my children and I feel like crying because of the intense love I feel for them. It is a love so hard to contain that…

  *The following is excerpted from an online article posted on Reuters. Young people try electronic cigarettes out of curiosity about the devices and alluring flavors that range from cotton candy to pizza, but keep vaping because of their low cost, according to a study released on recently. The report published in the medical journal…

  It’s time somebody said it. Grandparents matter. We step in and dare to tread where even the bravest of parents won’t. We invite those little people to climb in our lap with their damp bottoms and sticky fingers. We listen to endless jokes that have no punchline. We cram our oversized behinds into itty…

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