The best thing someone told me as a new mom, was this: “Your baby can pick up on the emotional temperature of the house.” In other words, babies are way more astute than you think. This little nugget of truth explained a lot. Like, why my babies were more fussy around my anxious self and…

Splink 1: As Sure as the Stars Stay up late, go outside, put a blanket on the ground, look up, and count the stars. God made a promise to Abraham that his descendents (children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren, etc.) would be as many as the stars in the sky (Genesis 15:5). How many stars can…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on ScienceBlog. A new study authored by University of Calgary researchers in the Journal of Adolescence examines the pornography viewing habits of adolescents and observes the way in which religious attendance significantly tempers such actions. The study, conducted between 2003 and 2008, which surveys adolescents on their…

My son attended a small, private high school. It was a wonderful school, that had a rule for everything, and many of their favorite rules had to do with uniforms. Students were required to wear their uniforms, and nothing but their uniforms, whenever they were on campus. As parents, we liked the uniform rule because…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on The Wall Street Journal. Since its founding five years ago, Snapchat has become a digital mecca for high school and college-age students, allowing them to send photos and videos that disappear in a matter of seconds. It has amassed 150 million daily active users, said a…

I hadn’t known about it or seen it until yesterday. It was a text that asked if I knew about last Friday’s release of Fergie’s new single, “M.I.L.F. $.” And so, I watched. According to the counter on YouTube, the video’s had 20 million views as of this morning. The envelope keeps moving. And wherever the envelope…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on PsychCentral. A researcher at the University of Houston has been examining a growing trend among college students known as “drunkorexia.” This non-medical term refers to the combination of drinking alcohol and engaging in diet-related behaviors such as food restriction, excessive exercising, or bingeing and purging. For…

Is there anything harder than making friends with other couples? When you first get married, you tend to run into two possible scenarios: The wives get along, but the husbands don’t. The husbands get along, but the wives don’t. By “not get along” I don’t mean they have a hard time not fighting each other….

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on Christian Today. According to a recent study by the Barna Group, two-thirds of adults (65 percent) think cohabitation before marriage is good, compared to one-third (35 percent) who disagree. However, religious groups are the least likely to consider cohabitation a good idea. In its report,…

  Splink 1: A Gift…Just for You Buy a small gift for each child (favorite candy; small toy; gift card for fast food or ice cream; favorite treat; etc.) and put it in a gift box or bag. Give each child the small gift. What did you have to do to get the gift? (Receive…

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