The following is excerpted from an online article posted by ScienceDaily. New research being presented this week at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) links soccer heading — where players hit the ball with their head — to a measurable decline in the microstructure and function of the brain over…

The following is excerpted from an online article posted by ScienceDaily. Trying something new is a risk every child undertakes as they explore and learn about the world. While risk can be costly, it can also pay off in rewards or knowledge. But new research suggests children without predictable support from the adults in their…

No one on this earth knows how to give better than a mother. As soon as that little one takes occupancy in the womb, the mother gives of her body in ways that are not quite understood until it is experienced. The body changes dramatically over months, never to be quite the same as it…

The Dilemma: A Too-Busy Christmas Day You’re riding in the car on your way to the third Christmas celebration in one day. Your husband stopped talking a few hours ago, your child still doesn’t understand why she can’t play with her toys yet, and you are considering banning any and all Christmas festivities in the…

Truth be told, there are many parts of the Bible that stop me in my reading tracks, causing me to pause and to ponder. One of those passages that is always front and center in my mind as a father,… Read More The post Getting Gender Right. . . appeared first on The Center for…

Trending Today on X (formerly Twitter) – 12/8/23  1. Nicki 2. #FridayVibes 3. #fridaymorning 4. Hunter Biden 5. #FridayFeeling 6. Good Friday 7. WE WANT CARDI 8. #FridayMotivation 9. Blue Jays 10. Christian Nationalism Source: Twitter Trending Today on Google – 12/8/23  1. Steelers 2. Game Awards 2023 3. Lakers 4. Hanukkah 2023! 5. Benny Blanco 6….

The following is excerpted from an online article posted by StudyFinds. Teenagers who use smartphones for over four hours a day are at a “serious” risk for certain health issues, a new study warns. Researchers say that increased smartphone use has been linked to psychiatric disorders, sleep disturbances, eye problems, and musculoskeletal issues. The study…

The following is excerpted from an online article posted by HealthDay. A year after suffering a concussion, teens, especially boys, are more likely than their peers to think about, plan, and even attempt suicide, new research finds. With more concussions, the risk grows. Teen boys who reported two or more concussions in the past year…

There are a couple of reasons why I’m thinking about marriage today. First, my mom reminded me yesterday that today, December 5th, is the 70th Anniversary of my parents’ wedding. Before my dad went to be with Christ, they had… Read More The post Six Things Our Kids Need to Know About Marriage appeared first…

The following is excerpted from an online article posted by MedicalXpress. A new review titled “Parental technoference and adolescents’ mental health and violent behavior: a scoping review” carried out by Bangor University and Public Health Wales and published in the journal BMC Public Health has shown how parent’s use of technology can interfere with the…

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