Trending Today on X (formerly Twitter) – 12/22/23  1. Simone Biles 2. Merry Christmas 3. $VMINT 4. $MMA 5. $ELMO 6. #fridaymorning 7. Happy Holidays 8. Dodgers 9. #FridayVibes 10. FursuitFriday Source: Twitter Trending Today on Google – 12/22/23  1. Joshua Tree 2. Simone Biles 3. Rams 4. Prague 5. Dick Van Dyke 6. Rebel Moon 7….

As we jump into Christmas weekend, we know that families will be gathering together for the Holidays. In addition to all the joy that our family gatherings will bring, there’s always a dose of heaviness, discord, and heartache that will… Read More The post 7 Christmas Family Ministry Freebies! appeared first on The Center for…

The following is excerpted from an online article posted by HealthDay. Any type of time spent looking at screens before bed is bad for kids’ sleep, but new research shows that “interactive” screen time — texting and video games, for example — is especially harmful. The effects of interactive screen time on sleep might not…

The following is excerpted from an online article posted by MedicalXpress. It’s a truth universally acknowledged that most teenagers, at one time or another, will hide information from their parents. Some will lie outright. Yet, when they do lie—do they plan to fib ahead of time? What about when they share information–do they do so…

The following is excerpted from an online article posted by Psypost. In a recent study involving Swiss adolescents, researchers discovered that parental involvement significantly increases prosocial behavior in teens but does not necessarily decrease internalizing problems. The study, published in the Journal of Early Adolescence, also found an unexpected two-way relationship between prosocial behavior and…

This week, many of us will lift our voices as we do each Christmas to sing these words from Joy To The World: “No more let sins and sorrows grow nor thorns infest the ground; He comes to make His blessings… Read More The post When The Holidays Are Hard. . . appeared first on The…

The following is excerpted from an online article posted by MedicalXpress. Starting menstrual cycles at a young age—before the age of 13—is linked to a heightened risk of developing type 2 diabetes in midlife, finds US research published online in the journal BMJ Nutrition Prevention & Health. And it also seems to be associated with…

Just go! Easier said than done. Seeing many of our friends on social media taking trips to Japan, Italy, France, Greece, Egypt, and all around the USA, keeps us ever mindful that our feet are firmly planted in the nation of “caring for special needs”. Not a complaint; just a fact. We have done our…

Many years ago I resolved against setting New Year’s resolutions. Though I know not everyone feels the same, for me they seem like desperate declarations made at midnight while sitting on my couch watching people freeze in Times Square. Of course there are a million articles and suggestions for how to take on 2024 with…

It’s been several weeks now since we started getting hammered with all those Christmas sale flyers, commercials, and pop-up ads from people who have something to sell. They’ve mastered the art of pushing our buttons to get us to feel… Read More The post Christmas: Savior or Stuff? appeared first on The Center for Parent…

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