In the quest to discover and adopt an identity, the teenagers you know and love are looking for answers to questions such as: Am I worthwhile? What makes me worthwhile? How am I unique from others? Are those uniqueness’ good… Read More The post Guiding Kids In Their Search For Identity appeared first on The…

The following is excerpted from an online article posted by Deseret News. When it comes to Gen Z teenagers, you can discard the old saw that “kids will be kids,” similar across generations based on their age and maturity level. Gen Z is different. Ask young adults in Gen Z about their teen years and…
Practicing gratitude in hard seasons can be, well, hard. That less-than-astounding conclusion seems obvious, but I don’t think about such things when life is good. Only when challenges slap me upside the head do I return to practicing gratitude in hard seasons. Such has been the case this November, a month that catches me by…
When I woke up this morning I looked at the date and immediately my mind rewound and settled on this day in 1963. November 22 is always a significant day for me. . . . sparking thoughts of the past… Read More The post On This Day In 1963. . . Kennedy, Huxley, and Lewis….
I think there are 12 pie crusts on our buffet awaiting the arrival of their first loves this morning. A bacon-laden turkey sits unaware that it will soon achieve it’s finest hour. And the house is spotless…which only happens about three times a year. It’s Thanksgiving. And for the past few weeks I’ve watched social…

The following is excerpted from an online article posted by HealthDay. Record numbers of children and tweens now take melatonin for sleep, potentially doing harm to their development, a new study warns. Nearly one in five school-aged kids are popping melatonin to help them rest, often with the help of their parents, researchers reported in…

The following is excerpted from an online article posted by MedicalXpress. The combination of physical and mental illness had a negative impact on self-perception among older adolescents but not for younger ones, shows a new University of Waterloo study. Researchers found that compared to adolescents with a physical illness only, their self-concept—the image we have…
Oswald Chambers in My Utmost for His Highest shares this, “Joshua 24:15 says Choose you this day who you will serve….but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.’ It is a deliberate calculation, not something into which you drift easily…..The proposition is between you and God; do not confer with flesh…

Trending Today on Twitter – 11/17/23 1. #BlueyXboxSweepstakes 2. Drake 3. #BEFE 4. Everton 5. Andre 3000 6. #fridaymorning 7. #FridayFeeling 8. #FridayVibes 9. Scot Pilgrim 10. Founders Day Source: Twitter Trending Today on Google – 11/17/23 1. Monarch: Legacy of Monsters 2. Brazil 3. Bengals 4. Joe Burrow 5. Diddy 6. Starbucks Red Cup…

The following is excerpted from an online article posted by StudyFinds. Countless people look to their smartphones for approval and happiness, but researchers from the University of Georgia find that people would be better off talking to someone in person instead. Study authors report that when people were asked to either scroll on their phones,…