Trending Today on Twitter – 10/20/23 1. Saints 2. #SpiderMan2 3. Jags 4. Sidney Powell 5. #FATB 6. #fridaymorning 7. Rep. Jim Jordan 8. #FridayVibes 9. jungkook 10. Killers of the Flower Moon Source: Twitter Trending Today on Google – 10/20/23 1. Australia vs Pakistan 2. Saints 3. Trevor Lawrence 4. Diamondbacks 5. Sidney Powell…
It’s a common scene in film and TV that we’ve all seen dozens if not hundreds of times. Someone doing time has an attorney, family member, or friend arrive at the prison for a visit. The visitor sits waiting patiently… Read More The post Prisoners To Our Phones? appeared first on The Center for Parent…
Watching a young person grow to adulthood isn’t a miracle. It’s a normal process. But it sure does feel like a miracle. Being a parent—or for that matter an aunt, uncle, teacher, coach, pastor, counselor, or church volunteer—can be a lot like being a master craftsman. There’s a good amount of modeling, mentoring, teaching, forming,…

The following is excerpted from an online article posted by MedicalXpress. A new study from UNSW Sydney shows that teenagers with OCD experience deficits in decision making and behavioral control. This is linked to abnormal activity in an area of the brain called the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC). The research was published in Biological Psychiatry Global…
Editor’s Note: This post appears in the Ligonier Ministries Tabletalk Magazine, October 2023. My fourteen-year-old self had gone to bed at my usual 9pm time. Two hours later, I woke up to use the bathroom. While walking undetected past my… Read More The post Entrusting Our Children To God appeared first on The Center for…

The following is excerpted from an online article posted by MSN/Newsweek. Preteen girls’ rates of depression are skyrocketing as social media use spikes, according to the most in-depth U.S. survey intended to examine the challenges facing girls in grades five through 12. Girls as young as 10 are experiencing significant declines in self-confidence as they…
We recently changed our name from Randall House Publications to D6 Family Ministry to reflect our broader mission. Describing D6 Family Ministry feels less like one organization and more like managing a theme park. Most theme parks combine multiple parks and experiences in one place. Some theme parks have multiple branded parks where one ticket…

The following is excerpted from an online article posted by HealthDay. A new video game technology that exposes drivers to the most common serious crash scenarios and sees how they react may help predict what type of driver a teen will be. It can also highlight any potential problems, a new study suggests. “Not only…

The following is excerpted from an online article posted by ScienceDaily. Modern-day parenting pressures and expectations are leading to the death knell for children enjoying spontaneous play, according to a new study from the University of Essex. While parents have always felt some responsibility for their children’s development, the heightened intensity of parenting in recent…
I wish I could remember exactly where I heard the radio show. However, it has played over and again in the back of my mind since I heard it, more than a year ago. Somehow I had stumbled on some guy talking about parenting. He made this statement: “We enjoy getting our children involved in…