The following is excerpted from an online article posted by ScienceDaily. A University of Otago study has added weight to the evidence that watching too much television as a child can lead to poor health in adulthood. The research, led by Professor Bob Hancox of the Department of Preventive and Social Medicine, and published this…

The following is excerpted from an online article posted by News-Medical. The incidences of teen suicidality, including self-harm, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempts, increased nationally between 2016 and 2021; were at seasonal high peaks in April and October, and were at their lowest when schools were shut down during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to research…

My friends and I recently decided to challenge ourselves to cut back our media use (ex. smartphones, tablets, watching TV) in order to reconnect with friends and family. To help, we picked a few simple tasks to try, and then promised to report back what happened after a week. One week later, we had nothing…

This summer our family embarked upon the grand adventure of multi-generational living. It began in May when our daughter, her husband, and their then 13-month-old son moved into our upstairs as they transition from starving graduate student status to starving artists status. The adventure is going well, everyone is adjusting, and my husband and I…

There are worse things than not having a pastor, and few things more important than selecting the right shepherd. There is no “magic bullet” for the call process, but starting the process with some theological and practical wisdom will make that process more likely to succeed. Of all the decisions a congregation makes, no decision…

What does it mean to faithfully lead our children and teens into a life of discipleship? And what does that mean in a world (and church?) filled with competing cultural voices which call them to “come and follow” on roads… Read More The post Youthworkers, Parents, and Contending For The Faith. . . appeared first…

I LOVE summer, but sometimes I think it can be the most selfish season for our family. The hustle and bustle of the school year and all that it entails finally winds down (only to pick back up again with back-to-school prep. Sheesh!), and we all get a chance to come up for air for…

Photo by Sandra Seitamaa on Unsplash Walking into a new and unfamiliar home, announcing her name, and leaving her biological mom behind without any tears, came a 5-year-old girl. She could not write her name, count to three or say the alphabet when she entered our daughter’s care. Within three days, her younger half-sister was…

Thanks to some very effective marketing, Amazon’s Prime Days are days when we really ramp up our thoughts and desires regarding stuff. I can’t point to any hard and fast data, but I can tell you about the seemingly endless… Read More The post Proverbs and Prime Day. . . appeared first on The Center…

It starts like an ordinary day. The morning routine is met with the usual resistance. (We do this Every Morning. Why are the kids always so surprised?) Milk is spilled on the counter. Somebody leaves something back at the house and we have to dash back to get it. Everyday chatter fills the air. You…

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