What We’re Learning: THIN GREEN LINE – June 2020 There is a thin green line between our hearts and our money. One of the five marks of a disciple at Hope is giving generously to God who gave us everything. When we give money, whether to a person in need, an organization, or the local…
One of my favorite reminders comes from Francis Bacon, who said that “Histories make men wise.” All throughout the Scriptures people, including ourselves, have been reminded to remember. We are called to remember the faithfulness, character, deeds, and promises of the Lord. For the Christian, remembering carries us through the trials and difficulties of the present……
Early on during the pandemic shutdown I was invited in to several dozen Zoom calls with groups of youth workers and parents. While the invites asked me to speak about youth culture trends and kids during the pandemic, I worked to do as much listening as I possibly could. I listened to discover what my……
When it comes to self-control, food is the item that shows how little I have. Sweet ice cream treats, crispy chips, caffeinated beverages, and rich, chocolatey desserts are my stumbling blocks, especially during times of stress. The first twenty or so years of my life contained very few stressful triggers. My biggest concerns centered on…

Paying Ridiculous Attention To Jesus · Season 5 Episode 17 – Foundations: Resilience More Paying Ridiculous Attention to Jesus Episodes More Articles, Videos, & Podcasts Join The Pigs Today Season 5 Episode 17 – Foundations: Resilience “Hard” is a word we’re likely using more now than we did before. In these times, what factors make…

Dr. Chinwé Williams So much of our world has changed in just a few weeks. Many people are feeling anxious, disrupted, and overwhelmed. If you have been struggling with your own anxiety or depression, the current COVID-19 outbreak may trigger the feeling that you’re spiraling downward, fast. The two most troubling aspects of this crisis,…
Below are the 3 curriculum options HSM Small Group Leaders have to choose from on the topic of Living for Jesus. If you’d like to know which curriculum your student’s small group is covering, please ask your HSM Campus Pastor or email [email protected] Kingdom of God is Like… (Live Curriculum) Jesus spoke extensively about the…

Transitions are like riding a Rollercoaster! Most people have had an OPPORTUNITY to ride a rollercoaster, however the EXPERIENCE is VERY different. When you stare up at the towering structure with loops, dips, and drops and then you see the car zoom by with great speed – you see people with their hands up, others…
Splinks for the week of February 23-29, 2020 Mirror Image Fold a piece of paper in half long end to long end, then have your child write his or her name on the fold line. (Cursive is great!) Trace the name with black crayon and then press the fold closed again so that it will…
It’s a question many Christian parents of a child with special needs or a disability ask: a question that can be really hard to answer, especially when the child in question has limited communication. But perhaps there are clues that we can find and piece together: things that Jesus did or understanding the ways our…