“Bubba, bubba, bubba,” my daughter sings as she gestures towards her little brother. “Stop it, Jaycee,” Elijah says in exacerbated tone. “Oh, bubba,” Jaycee happily replies, as she leans in for a hug. I love watching the relationship between my children grow. Years ago, they cuddled up on her bed and watched Disney Jr. together….

Pumpkin pie, turkey, football, stuffing, twinkling lights, snowflakes swirling down, pies, family gatherings, gifts around a tree, and cookie decorating. The holidays. They inspire a feeling of cozy warmth, celebration, and cherished memories. Until they don’t. Until thinking of those memories breaks your heart in pieces because life has changed. You now have a child…

  What Do You Think? Read from the list below (or create your own) and ask family members to decide whether the task is hard or easy to do. Ask them to move to one side of the room if they think it is easy, or to the other side if it is hard. Some…

Important Steps Use string, tape, or some other way to mark a starting line and a finish line about 10 feet apart.  Instruct family members to line up at the starting line and follow instructions as they are read. Suggested instructions: Take one step forward if you have been kind today. Take one step forward…

Who Am I? Write the names of people (fictional or not) on individual slips of paper. Choose random names or select characters from a favorite movie or book. Have family members take turns drawing one of the slips and answering yes and no questions about the name chosen. Very young children might need some help….

“Such confidence we have through Christ before God.  Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God….Therefore, since we have such a hope, we are very bold.” 2 Corinthians 3:4 & 12 NIV This post is for all my fellow veteran special needs parents, those of…

Same/Different Do a simple (fun) experiment several times and see if you get the same results. (If you have several kids this works out well.) Items Needed: Cup or glass; liquid dishwashing detergent; 2 tablespoons of baking soda; vinegar; red food coloring (optional); baking pan (or do this in the sink) Fill the cup/glass almost…

The light filtered in through the curtains. Slowly I opened my eyes as the baby monitor crackled and coughed its static-filled morning song. A baby monitor is generally outgrown at age two, but for us, it’s the life-line to our 9-year-old son, Calvin.  I could hear him struggling to breathe, his lungs needing help after…

Have you ever felt like you could not go on and that it was all you could do to take one more step? Some of you are thinking, “I’m there right now!” I get it. I’ve been there. I was recently encouraged by the story of Kyle Maynard. Kyle was born with a rare condition…

Superpowers! During a meal, ask your family: If you could have any superpower, what power would you like to have? Why would you like to have that power? How would you use your power to help others? Superheroes and super powers are just pretend – make-believe stories. But God is real and has unlimited power….

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