MSM Small Group Teaching Series March 16-31, 2019 What We’re Learning: Imagine you’re invited to the coolest party on earth – how exciting would that be? Now, imagine you can pass the invite on to anyone you want to, who would you invite. Well, we are invited to the coolest party of all time, knowing…

MSM Small Group Teaching Series February 23-March 10, 2019 What We’re Learning: Our lives get busy and hectic. During a basketball game a coach can call a time out to reconnect with his players, set them on a better path, and give them rest. Even in the busyness of life, God wants us to take…
Accountable to Authority Visit the public library and get each child a library card (if they don’t already have one). Allow each child to pick out and take home some books. (One book for each year of their age is a good way to keep up with how many books they checked out.) Explain the…
There have been a few times when I’ve felt that God has been pulling me up by the bootstraps and telling me he has everything under control and worrying about things isn’t actually a productive or helpful use of my time or energy. That hasn’t always been an easy message to receive, but sometimes God…
School teachers and administrators are a gold-mine for information on youth culture trends. That’s why I threw this question at a high school principal friend a couple of weeks ago: “What are you most concerned about with kids these days?” “You want to know what we’re having to deal with more than anything else at……
This weekend I’ll be speaking to youth workers and parents out in Michigan. . . addressing cultural and spiritual issues among our kids including things like anxiety, narcissism, and social media. While thinking about the inter-relationships between the three (think symbiosis along with cause and effect in both directions) I realize that there’s a kind……
My husband and I are on Isla Mujeres, a lovely jewel of an island off the coast of Mexico. It’s a long-awaited vacation—a time to rest and rejuvenate. We vacationed here, just the two of us, at the very beginning of our walk with our youngest son’s autism. Little did we know, 31 years ago,…

MSM Small Group Teaching Series February 2-17, 2019 What We’re Learning: Jesus Said What? Jesus said truly amazing things, but sometimes Jesus said some really surprising and confusing things. Jesus shocked everyone when he forgave a guilty woman. Jesus confused Nicodemus when he talked about needing to be reborn to be right with God. And did Jesus…

TBT. . . most of us older folks are clueless on the latest teen slang. There are new words, acronyms used in texting, and a lexicon that’s sometimes motivated by a desire to continue to keep us in the dark. When there is a POS there’s nothing a kid wants more than to keep that……

Notable Changes Play a little game to see if your kids can pick out the change each one makes in their appearance. Ask each person to find a partner and look carefully at one another. Then have them turn their back and make a simple change. (It can be as simple as putting a strand…