*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on HealthDay. Teenagers are impressionable when it comes to e-cigarettes, new research suggests. Nearly four out of 10 U.S. teens who use e-cigarettes said seeing others vape led them to try the devices themselves, according to a new report from the U.S. Centers…
The words “new parents” and “anxiety” seem to be synonymous. If you Google the phrase “parent anxiety,” you’ll see titles such as “49 Parent Fears And How To Ease Them” and “Top 10 Fears Of New Moms.” As a relatively new parent myself, I can tell you I feel anxious about something regarding my…
Trending Today on Twitter – 2/23/18 1. #onUp 2. #BoycottNRA 3. #FridayMotivation 4. Yahoo 5. #CANvsGER 6. #SSAC18 7. #FAT2018 8. Mark Emmert 9. General Mills 10. Tommy John Source: Twitter Trending Today on Google – 2/23/18 1. Cleveland Cavaliers 2. Mirai Nagasu 3. net neutrality 4. National Margarita Day 5. Annihilation 6….
My guess is that in your house—like my house—there’s a constant tension between rules and relationships. Your nine-year-old is supposed to help wash the car, but instead decides that riding his bike is a far more important to the functioning of the universe than cleaning your dirty minivan. How do you respond? On the one…
*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on PsychCentral. A new study finds that many teens, particularly girls, may go to great lengths to create a favorable online image. That may include posting only carefully selected photos, choosing to share activities that make them appear well-liked and even going as far as to…
[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/402618717″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=false&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] How to listen: iTunes | Google Play | SoundCloud | TuneIn Founder and CEO of Orange, Reggie Joiner, along with Greg Payne, a creative director at Orange, and podcast host, Kristen Ivy, talk about why teaching kindness to your kids helps them become happier and healthier in…
“But I HATE chicken nuggets!” My 5-year-old daughter screamed these words in McDonald’s and the blood rushed to my face. It felt like everybody was staring at us. At me. The mom with the brat. “You just asked for nuggets last week because they are your favorite,” I hissed defensively under my…
Follow Good Examples Teach your child a skill you know, but they might not yet know. Some ideas—How to: • Stand on your head • Eat an Oreo the correct way • Sew on a button • Dribble a basketball • Catch a fish (ice fishing?!) • Play a new game (one you learned as…
The other day, my kids broke a glass in the living room. We immediately sprang into action, protecting bare feet, sweeping up broken pieces, vacuuming up the tiny shards, and mopping up the ones we couldn’t see. To the best of our ability, we cleaned up the mess. The next morning, I woke up early…
We all know what it’s like to struggle with a bad habit or be caught in a destructive cycle. Oftentimes, we don’t even realize the cycle we’re in until our world comes crashing down. It’s much easier to identify a damaging habit in other people, isn’t it? So as parents what do we do…