The following is excerpted from an online article posted by MedicalXpress. In the United States this year alone, there will be an anticipated 2,001,140 new cancer cases—leading to an estimated 611,720 related deaths. That’s 5,480 new cases and 1,680 deaths every day. And, according to a recent CNN report, cancer cases among younger people are…

The following is excerpted from an online article posted by MedicalXpress. The widespread use of alcohol and e-cigarettes among adolescents is “alarming”, according to a report released by the World Health Organization’s (WHO) European branch, which recommended measures to limit access. Based on survey data from 280,000 young people aged 11, 13 and 15 in…

Learning self-control is a lifelong process, and you should look at each day as an opportunity to help your child continually grow in self-control. What can you do to help him or her?  Model self-control. Yelling at your child for yelling at his sibling is not the best. Yes, we all get frustrated and lose…

The First and Only Question That Really Matters “The mission of Jesus is to show us the good heart of God and then to rebuild the trust we need to be intimate with him.”-Rick Lawrence, The Jesus-Centered Life It’s easy for us to mold and form Jesus into our ideas about him. These ideas can…

I’ve been a parent for over 19 years and have been a caregiver of children with “special needs” for almost all of it.  Our first child was in the hospital with respiratory issues for the first time on the day he turned 3-months old.  The challenges with both of our children have continued over the…

Trending Today on X (formerly Twitter) – 4/26/24  1. Happy Birthday Melania 2. First Lady 3. #FridayFeeling 4. #FursuitFriday 5. #ArborDay 6. #fridaymorning 7. #FridayVibes 8. partynextdoor 9. Kristi Noem 10. $HASHAI Source: Twitter Trending Today on Google – 4/26/24  1. Olu Fashanu 2. Lakers 3. Bell’s palsy 4. Kirk Cousins 5. Harvey Weinstein 6. Caleb Williams…

The following is excerpted from an online article posted by HealthDay. “Dream it, be it” might sound like a cliche, but a new study says there’s something to the notion. Teenagers who set ambitious goals for themselves tend to be more successful as young adults, researchers reported recently in the Journal of Personality and Social…

The following is excerpted from an online article posted by News Medical. A recent study published in The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health examines whether and how the need to achieve certain goals increases the risk of depression in adolescents. Achievement goals, which are defined as cognitive representations that guide behaviors, have been identified as…

We have to get this right! We are called to a higher standard because we lead and teach vulnerable young hearts and minds. Scripture continually speaks of the high calling and responsibility given to leaders. I find it personally humbling… Read More The post Youthworkers: Be Trained Well! appeared first on The Center for Parent…

The following is excerpted from an online article posted by HealthDay. Teenagers are frequently bullied about their weight on social media, and the bullying increases with each hour they spend on these sites, a new study reveals. Nearly one in five teens (17%) said they’d experienced weight-related bullying online, according to results published April 17…

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