Google “developmental milestones” and you may be surprised to see 1.5 million results. Are there that many milestones in the 18-year lifespan of a child from birth until they graduate from high school? No, definitely not. 1.5 million results tells us that common milestones happen at different times, on a different “schedule” for every…

Splink 1:  Who Are You? Guess different items’ identities to talk about integrity. Write each of the following items (any items would do) on a piece of paper or index card. (Items: washing machine, pencil sharpener, blender, lawn mower, coat, cell phone, etc.) Invite someone to pick a card (not letting anyone see what is…

  Trending Today on Twitter – 10/6/17 1. #WorldSmileDay 2. #TellMeSomethingGood 3. #JobsReport 4. #MFGDay17 5. #friyay 6. Nobel Peace Prize 7. University of Alabama 8. Rush Hour 4 9. Fearless Girl 10. Calm Before the Storm Source: Twitter   Trending Today on Google – 10/6/17 1. Eric Church 2. Bruins 3. World Cup Qualifying…

  *The following is excerpted from an online article posted on Daily News.   Although many adults might believe that kids today aren’t skilled at real, face-to-face interaction with other humans because of the vast amount of screen time they engage in, a new study shows that they’re not missing out on gaining essential interpersonal…

  [soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=#20608b&auto_play=false&hide_related=true&show_comments=false&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] How to listen: iTunes | Google Play | SoundCloud | TuneIn Singer/songwriter Christy Nockels talks to mothers about how to change their perspectives on motherhood’s menial tasks in today’s episode. YOUR CUE Fill up spiritually first. Before your day gets busy, take some alone time to connect…

  Welcome to the wonderful year of second grade! You’re in the phase that is the very essence of childhood. I’ve been working with children for over forty years now, and I’ve been a parent for more than thirty. In my experience, this is the age that brings a smile to my heart more than…

Hey parents! We’ve got a series coming up with a BIG opportunity to speak truth in students’ lives to help them navigate the world in a very specific area – relationships and sex. This series is NOT an encouragement to date or a sex education class. This series is a chance to help build up…

October 3, 2017By Walt Mueller Regrets. . . I’ve had a few. . . well, more than few. The older I get, the more I realize that my default setting is to be and do in ways that lead to a hindsight oftentimes filled with regret. There are far too many thoughts that have gone…

We often think of generosity in terms of financial giving, which makes it difficult for children to participate and experience the blessing of meeting others’ needs. What if we broaden our definition of what it looks like to be generous? Instead of only looking at ways to raise money for a cause or give from…

  A few days ago, I asked my two boys what they were most afraid of. My youngest, without skipping a beat, told me water buffalos and cobras. My oldest, still only seven, told me, imaginary monsters at night, robbers, America being destroyed, and the universe exploding.   I didn’t see that coming.   So…

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