Splink 1: Know Truth…Live Truth Job was a man of integrity. He believed the truth about God and then he stayed true to his beliefs. When trouble came, he didn’t sin or curse God. He held to the truth that he knew about God. He did what was right. He worshipped God even when he…

Trending Today on Twitter – 10/20/17 1. #WhyIWrite 2. #IBelieveFrederica 3. #FlashbackFriday 4. #friyay 5. #SendASongToOz 6. Super Slimey 7. Taiwan Jones 8. The Essential John McCain 9. LaVar Ball 10. Navy SEAL Source: Twitter Trending Today on Google – 10/20/17 1. Taylor Swift 2. John Kelly 3. Lupita Nyong O 4. Marshawn…

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/347556453″ params=”color=#20608b&auto_play=false&hide_related=true&show_comments=false&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] How to listen: iTunes | Google Play | SoundCloud | TuneIn Sarah Bragg, a content director at Orange who has worked in student ministry for more than 15 years, shares her honest, heartfelt experience in parenting a strong-willed child in today’s episode. YOUR CUE Notice the good…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on Deseret News. Experts agree that hateful messages directed at adolescents, which are often posted anonymously, have the potential to harm, from embarrassing or distressing their subject to encouraging suicide. But those who go looking for the source of mean-spirited emails, texts or…

If you ask me, any phase that involves sleeping through the night is far superior to any that doesn’t. Add uninterrupted REM to the fact that most three-year-olds are beginning to learn how to dress themselves, go to the bathroom in an actual toilet, and tell you what…

When it comes to money, no parent decides they want their kids to grow up and be greedy penny-pinchers or uncontrollable debt-inducing consumers. Yet statistics will tell us that’s what happens. According to Business Insider, Millennials hold an estimated $1.1 trillion of the total United States’ $3.6 trillion in consumer debt with more…

Helping my teenagers learn how to navigate relationships has been the biggest part of my twenty years of parenting. Hands down. Teachers, friends, coaches, dating, teammates, family . . . So. Many. Discussions. My guess is that you too will have more discussions with your teen about their relationships than you ever thought…

Splink 1: What’s Inside? Invite your kids to look in the pantry and choose the vegetables and/or fruit to eat for dinner. Why did you choose those? (Because I like them; they taste good; etc.) Would you be disappointed if you choose one and there was something completely different inside? We would all be disappointed…

Trending Today on Twitter – 10/13/17 1. #Boo2 2. #FridayThe13th 3. #SurviveAHorrorMovieIn5Words 4. Susan Collins 5. #womenboycottwitter 6. #FlashbackFriday 7. #242NavyBday 8. Dense Fog Advisory 9. United States Senate 10. DVSN Source: Twitter Trending Today on Google – 10/13/17 1. Friday The 13th Tattoos 2. Eagles 3. Ezekiel Elliott 4. Happy Death Day…

I remember the moment I became a mother. It was early Sunday morning. Still dark outside. My brain was groggy. Exhausted. A million things were running through my head but the loudest was “SLEEP.” I had to wait just a little longer until I could wrap myself back up in my warm bed….