Splink 1:


Plan a special dinner to remember Jesus’ death on Good Friday. Eat by candlelight and read parts of the crucifixion. (See Mark 15:1-38.) Blow out the candle when you speak of His death to symbolize the hours of darkness. Re-light the candle and thank Jesus for being the light to show us the way to Heaven.

Why do we call the day Jesus died, Good Friday? (Even though it was a sad day for Jesus’ followers, it was the day Jesus paid the price for our sin, which is a good thing for us; without Good Friday, there could be no celebration that He came alive; without Jesus’ death, there could be no forgiveness of sin; etc.)

We want to remember Jesus’ death because without it, we could never have our sins forgiven or go to Heaven.

Splink 2:

Half the story?

Give your kids half the pieces in a puzzle and ask them to put it together. (Don’t tell them you are only giving them half of the pieces; keep them hidden until later.)

When they complain that they can’t do it, give them the missing pieces to complete the puzzle.

***Adapt if you don’t have a puzzle—clip out a picture from a magazine and cut into puzzle pieces.

Talk about it:

Why was it so hard to put the puzzle together with only half the pieces? (There weren’t enough pieces; too many were missing; etc.)

What might you have thought if you only had half the story of the resurrection—the Friday part, but not the Sunday part? (Sadness because Jesus was gone; Jesus wasn’t who He said He was; it looked like the end; etc.)

We have the benefit of seeing the WHOLE picture! Jesus is God and has power over death!

Splink 3:

Tell Everyone

Make a Celebration banner. Write each letter of a message—Jesus is Alive; Happy Easter; He is Risen; etc.—on a separate piece of card stock. Let the kids decorate each one and tape them to a long piece of ribbon or twine. Hang it outside, if possible, to share the good news with neighbors.

Invite friends and family to the Easter celebration at your church and to a brunch/lunch afterward.

The post Splink | The Crucified King appeared first on D6 Family.

Source: Splink