This week, we released the September edition of our CPYU Monthly Parent Page. . . a subscription-based resource that hundreds of youth workers and churches provide to their parents as a tool to equip them to parent better by understanding how the Gospel speaks to parenting in today’s rapidly changing youth culture. (A subscription costs a measly $5 a month for unlimited rights! You can subscribe here.)
In light of changes taking place in today’s youth culture that are contributing to a crisis in Christian parenting. . . a crisis that is doing anything but facilitating the Christian nurture of our kids. . . I penned the following challenge to parents that appears on page 1 of the 4-page September 2018 edition of our Monthly Parent Page. Parents, perhaps it will help you reboot how you will parent over the coming school year.
School days are upon us and if your family is like most, your kids are involved in all kinds of extra-curricular activities that keep you running from here, to there, to everywhere. If we’re not careful, the school year will come and go so fast that we might get to June and realize we’ve pushed aside or even forgotten that our primary calling as Christian parents is not to serve our kids, but to serve our Lord by making the spiritual nurture of our kids our first priority.
Source: CPYU