Grace for a Purpose
Items Needed: assortment of objects (kitchen utensils, bathroom utensils such as toothbrush or washcloth, household items such as broom or dustpan, etc.)
Lay all the items on a table and invite the kids to sort them into categories.
Ask them to explain why they chose certain categories.
One way to sort the objects is by their purpose. We might put a potato masher and a spatula in one category because we use them to help us cook. We could put a toothbrush and a washcloth in another category because they help us keep clean.
Just as each item is set apart for a specific purpose (a potato masher mashes potatoes or other vegetables), we were created with a purpose.
Read Ephesians 2:10.
What is our purpose? What did God have in mind for us when He created us? (To do good works)
By God’s grace when we do good works, we are fulfilling one of His purposes for us!
Amazing Grace!
Read Ephesians 2:8-9.
What is grace? (Undeserved favor) God gives us grace when He saves us. He didn’t have to forgive our sins. Even while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8) Even before we loved Him, He loved us.
How are you saved? (By grace through faith in Jesus)
Can I save myself? (It is not from ourselves)
How did I get salvation? (It is a gift of God)
Aren’t my good works good enough? (Not of works, so no one may boast)
Write the words from Ephesians 2:8-9 on post-it notes. (You may have to review only a part of the verse if you have young children.) While your kids aren’t looking, hide the post-it notes all around the room(s). (Always adapt these ideas to fit your family.) At the signal to go, the kids must find all the post-it notes, put them in the correct order and then say the verse together.
For extra practice, invite someone to take away some of the post-it notes and then see if they can still remember the verse.
Trading Places
When your child disobeys, announce the punishment/consequence for the misbehavior, but then tell your child that you want to take their punishment.
Talk about it: Were you surprised when I took your punishment? Who deserved to be punished?
We have sinned against God and deserve to be punished, but Jesus took our punishment. This is grace…grace is getting something you don’t work for or even deserve. God freely gives us grace.
Read Ephesians 2:8-9.
When we believe in what Jesus did and accept His forgiveness, all our sins are gone and we are right with God. Share with your child about your own decision to accept God’s forgiveness. Encourage a spirit of thankfulness for the gift of God’s grace for every person.
The post Splink | Riches of God’s Grace appeared first on D6 Family.
Source: Splink