I recently had a grandmother tell me about an uncomfortable conversation she had with her elementary-aged grandson. Prompted by watching a TV news story on the current teen vaping epidemic, the inquisitive boy had asked grandma whether she had ever been a smoker. In an effort to be totally honest, the grandmother told her grandson that “yes”, she had been a smoker during her teenage years. When the boy followed up with another question. . . “Why did you smoke?”. . . the grandmother told the truth. “All my friends smoked. I didn’t want to be left out.” She went on to explain how she had made an unwise choice to give in to peer pressure.
Proverbs 13:20 tells us that “he who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.” Yes. . . my own adolescent experience is proof enough of the truth of those wise words.
Source: CPYU