MSM SG Parent Cue for Sept 14-29, 2019
What We’re Learning: Me
In spite of our best efforts, we can’t stop pain and loss from entering our kids’ lives. What happens when your kid’s crush asks someone else to the dance or they make a D in math? If they fuel their self-esteem on circumstances, they will be crushed. Deep down, we’re all asking for three things:
1) Do you love me?
2) Do you like me?
3) Will you leave me?
We will look at the lives of Jesus, Paul, and Jeremiah to learn how God can be the rock we always stand on in these three areas.
Starting A Conversation:
1) How can we know that God loves us, likes us, and won’t leave us?
2) Parent Challenge: Chances are there are some interests and hobbies your son or daughter enjoys that completely baffle you. No matter how different you are, you can always affirm your student by valuing their interests. This week, ask questions, pay extra attention, and try to take an interest in what interests them.
1) Hey parents, take 90 seconds to watch this video for an overview on this teaching series here
2) Here is a link to an article covering 3 easy ways YOU can impact your middle schooler’s identity and faith