Student Ministry November 2022 Teaching Topic: Dating + Sexual Integrity Hey parents! A main priority of our ministry is partnering with awesome teen parents (aka YOU) as you raise your awesome teenagers. This Dating + Sexual Integrity Parent Packet is one way we seek to partner with you: we recommend you read it, pray, and…

HSM TEACHING SERIES: The Book of Exodus SERIES OVERVIEW If you were to open your Bible and start a “Bible in a Year Reading Plan” you’d probably do pretty well until you reach the book of Exodus… Let’s be honest, there’s some weird stuff in there. You go from getting a ton of narrative to…

HSM TEACHING SERIES: The Book of Exodus SERIES OVERVIEW If you were to open your Bible and start a “Bible in a Year Reading Plan” you’d probably do pretty well until you reach the book of Exodus… Let’s be honest, there’s some weird stuff in there. You go from getting a ton of narrative to…

HSM TEACHING SERIES: The Book of Exodus SERIES OVERVIEW If you were to open your Bible and start a “Bible in a Year Reading Plan” you’d probably do pretty well until you reach the book of Exodus… Let’s be honest, there’s some weird stuff in there. You go from getting a ton of narrative to…

MSM TEACHING SERIES: THE BOOK OF EXODUS* SERIES OVERVIEW If you were to open your Bible and start a “Bible in a Year Reading Plan” you’d probably do pretty well until you reach the book of Exodus… Let’s be honest, there’s some weird stuff in there. You go from getting a ton of narrative to…

MSM TEACHING SERIES: THE BOOK OF EXODUS* SERIES OVERVIEW If you were to open your Bible and start a “Bible in a Year Reading Plan” you’d probably do pretty well until you reach the book of Exodus… Let’s be honest, there’s some weird stuff in there. You go from getting a ton of narrative to…

MSM TEACHING SERIES: THE BOOK OF EXODUS* SERIES OVERVIEW If you were to open your Bible and start a “Bible in a Year Reading Plan” you’d probably do pretty well until you reach the book of Exodus… Let’s be honest, there’s some weird stuff in there. You go from getting a ton of narrative to…

HSM TEACHING SERIES: The Book of Exodus SERIES OVERVIEW If you were to open your Bible and start a “Bible in a Year Reading Plan” you’d probably do pretty well until you reach the book of Exodus… Let’s be honest, there’s some weird stuff in there. You go from getting a ton of narrative to…

HSM TEACHING SERIES: AFTERLIFE SERIES OVERVIEW It can be easy to forget who God really is sometimes. And it can be even easier for your students to forget who they really are, too! But every year at Easter, we get the chance to point them back to what God did thousands of years ago to…

MSM EASTER TEACHING SERIES: NO MATTER WHAT Series Overview: To highlight two main themes of Easter in a depth that makes each personal and impactful for students: God’s love and God’s forgiveness. Wk 2: April 10 MAIN POINT: Easter reminds us: no matter what we are forgiven. MAIN SCRIPTURE: John 21:15-17 GOSPEL RESPONSE WEEK MSM…