Welcome to our Young Adults! Here you’ll find all the resources you’ll need to have a great online worship experience right where you are!

Parents- This week we encourage you to: 

  1. Watch the Online Experience video with your child.
  2. Use the Discussion Questions (see below) immediately following the video to unpack the story while it’s fresh!
  3. Use the Full Parent Guide and activity pages (linked below) for more activity ideas & deeper discussion

If the video does not load- click here to view

Activity Pages: Use the page(s) that is most appropriate for your child

Modified Curriculum


Luke was a doctor who wrote from eyewitness accounts to show that Jesus is both fully God and fully man, and He came to save all people.

  • When we are rejected, how should we respond? As Jesus did, with love and forgiveness.
  • Have you accepted or rejected Jesus? We can accept Him and receive eternal life.

Guide your child to open their Bibles to Luke 4. Choose someone to read aloud Luke 4:21-22. Then discuss the following questions.

What made Jesus different than other religious teachers?

Prompt your child to recall that Jesus spoke with authority. He is the Word (John 1:1) and did not rely on tradition or other people to explain Scripture. Jesus came from heaven and is Lord over all things. He is God the Son and the promised Messiah. (Option: Choose a volunteer to read Phil. 2:3-4)

Jesus’ promise to help everyone, no matter where they were from, upset the people in Nazareth. What does this tell you about God’s heart and man’s heart?

Help your child to recognize that God loves all people. God’s heart is full of mercy and love. Apart from Jesus, man’s heart is full of envy, pride, and selfishness. (Option: read Phil. 2:3-4)

Will Jesus always answer our prayers for healing? Why or why not?

Acknowledge that sin causes pain and suffering. Sometimes God chooses to answer our prayers for healing and restoration; other times He seems silent. We don’t always understand God’s plan, but He is good and one day He will make all things right. (Option: read Daniel 3:17-18)


Discuss the following questions about this week’s teaching.

  • What does this story teach me about God? 
  • What does this story teach me about myself? 
  • Who can I tell about this story?


We encourage you to take time to pray as a family.