Welcome to this week’s KidCity Online Experience! Here you’ll find all the resources you’ll need to experience KidCity right where you are! Our weekend teaching video, conversation guides, worship songs, and activities for the week are all right here.
We’d also love to be friends with you on Facebook so we can stay “in it together.” Follow us at facebook.com/hopekidcity/ If you have a question about anything or just want to reach out directly, e-mail us at [email protected].
For parents
How to Use This Page:
- Watch the Online Experience video with your child.
- Use the Key Passage Motions and Discussion Guide immediately following the video to unpack the story while it’s fresh!
- You can find all of the activity pages below.
- Then, scroll down to view this weekend’s Worship Videos as many times as you like!
For kids – Online Experience Video
Trouble loading the video? CLICK HERE
For parents
Say the key passage using motions. Repeat several times and encourage children for trying.
SAY • “Yet he himself (reach up with one hand) bore our sicknesses (reach up the other hand) …; punishment for our peace was on him (make a cross with arms in front), and we (thumbs to chest) are healed (elbow in) by his wounds (point fingers towards each other)” Isaiah 53:4-5 (open hands like a book).
Ask the following questions. Retell parts of the Bible story as needed.
Why did the disciples think the man was born blind? (because he or his parents had sinned)
Why did Jesus say the man had been born blind? (so that people could see God’s power)
What did Jesus put on the man’s eyes? (mud)
What happened when the man went and washed like Jesus said to do? (He could see.)
What did the man do after He believed in Jesus as the Son of Man? (He worshiped Jesus.)
SAY • Jesus said the man had been born blind so that people could see God’s power. Jesus healed a man who could not see, and many people saw Jesus’ power as the Son of God. Jesus came as light into a dark world. Sin keeps us from seeing what is true about God. Jesus helps us see what is true so we can know God. Those who trust in Him are freed from sin and worship Jesus as Lord.
Ask children if they have anything they would like to pray for.
SAY • God, we want to know you. Sin keeps us from seeing what is true about you. Thank you for sending Jesus so we can know You. Help us trust in Him and worship Him as Lord. Amen.
For kids
Weekend Worship