What We’re Learning: iSearch
Series Overview: When something is lost, you search for it. But what about when you feel lost in your faith? A natural part of owning and growing in our faith is wrestling with questions. These aren’t the kind of questions we can just ask Siri; We go to God with these questions because only He is big enough to answer them. We surveyed middle school students to see what they would ask God and we are going to tackle some of the most popular questions from a Biblical perspective.
Series Main Passage: Jeremiah 29:13-14a “13 If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me. 14 I will be found by you,” says the Lord.”
How do I lead my student through this lesson at home?
MSM goes live Sundays at 11:15am on our HopeMSM YouTube Account. This will be followed by Zoom Small Groups, click here to get pre-registered for a Small Group. If your student is unable to attend a small group then grab a Bible, watch the video together while it’s live or after, and go through the below modified at-home discussion guide anytime you like
What We’re Learning: iSearch, Week 3 of 3
- STUDENT QUESTION: I don’t feel anything when I talk to God, how do I get an answer from God?
- Main Scripture: Psalm 13:1-2, 5-6; Matthew 7:7-8
- Main Point: We will not always feel God, but we can always trust He is there.
To discuss this lesson at home with your student:
Click here for this week’s Discussion Guide
Special Needs Families:
Click here for this week’s Modified Guide