Welcome to our Young Adults! Great news- We now have a live, online worship experience designed just for you. Join us Sunday morning at 11:15 via Zoom. Email us at [email protected] to get connected.
Parents- This week we encourage you to:
- Help your Young Adult connect with us LIVE, Sunday at 11:15.
- Use the discussion questions and GodTime pages, below, to continue the conversation at home throughout the week.
GodTime: Use the page(s) that is most appropriate for your child.
Modified Curriculum
Life App: Kindness—Showing others they are valuable by how you treat them
Bible Story: Humble and Kind (God Was Kind to Us) • Ephesians 4:32
Bottom Line: Be kind to others because God is kind to you.
Basic Truth: I am made by God to worship Him.
Memory Verse: You are God’s chosen people. You are holy and dearly loved. So put on tender mercy and kindness as if they were your clothes. Don’t be proud. Be gentle and patient. Colossians 3:12 (NIrV)
- What’s something kind someone did for you lately?
- What’s something kind you did for someone else lately?
- Often our first response isn’t always to show kindness. What can you do to remind yourself to respond with kindness first?
- Why is kindness important? How do you feel when someone is kind to you versus when someone is unkind to you?
- God showed us kindness by sending Jesus. What are some ways Jesus showed others they were valuable? How was Jesus kind to others? (forgave people, didn’t fight, was humble, fed people, helped people when they were sick, listened to people, encouraged people, etc.)
We encourage to take some time to pray together as a family.